
Today is my daughter’s sixteen birthday. My cousin gave me a wonderful idea…

Dangle Sixteen ribbons from the ceiling, at the end of each ribbon tie a sugar cube. Sixteen ribbons with sugar cubes hung from my daughter’s ceiling, down to her bed. When she woke up Sugar cubes danced overhead, SWEET SIXTEEN was lipsticked in hot pink on her mirror.

When Chelsea was born, a friend of my Mother’s told me…ALWAYS celebrate your daughter’s birthday as HER day and not part of Christmas.

Happy SIXTEEN Birthday! Chelsea Girl  dancing in red and flying high, angels do!


4 responses to “Birthday”

  1. Oh the rewards of youth, the world at your feet; the golden chalice.
    Happy Birthday sweet Chelsea…you are loved!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! A special day indeed to have sugar cubes dancing overhead!

  3. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    revel in the tinsel and glitter of YOUR colored ribbons avec la sucre.

  4. Cherry Menlove

    Happy birthday beautiful girl.
    Cherry xx

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