Month: December 2005
French Christmas tradition, Santons
19th-century Provencal Santons The clay santons were not in the crèche. Worn from wear, but still holding on to their humble offerings, they were carelessly abandoned into a basket. Who would have guessed, that their starring role as “little saints,”…
Bûche de Noël
Never makes mistakes Never makes a cake! 1988 "Buche de Noel is my favorite cake!" Bright eyed and hopeful was the response eagerly given by my French husband, the newlywed! The flavor was a known fact; Spread chocolate on anything…
Napolean III New Year’s Resolution
Smell the Roses Several years ago I would have passed the car with the trailer, with a blink of an eye. That was before I made the New Year’s resolution to SLOW DOWN. Slow was my speed and noticing life…
Wine glass
French Wine Glass The sound of glass breaking on the tile floor; it is a sound that says a…
Flea market beauty
What's the beauty in Poubelle? Poubelle, means garbage in French. When my cousin Julie, came to visit us in France, she commented to my husband that the French language had beautiful sounding words for mundane objects. Take the word…
Broken favorite
Collections The little things I have collected, that have no real value on their own, due to a chip, or a crack or a tear…Instead of throwing the defaulted bits and pieces away, or disregarding them to a chest of…