Take time to Smile

French Garden Bench. Hand made. The weekend is upon us. The time to relax is here. Come and sit down. Img_1361Take a thought and a moment and time to be still. Smile for no reason. Look around you. Feel yourself breathing. Be present to the moment. Look at your hands. Thank your heart for beating. Say the name of those you love and …the name of those you need to forgive. Live life lovingly. Be here now with yourself and know it is good!


7 responses to “Take time to Smile”

  1. What a beautiful post. Thank you.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Corey,
    Good post. It is so important to live in the present moment and have gratitude for the people and things who have brought us to this moment!

  3. Lovely picture!
    I enjoyed “Take time to smile”. Sometimes we are so caught up in our daily routine that we don’t take time to reflect on the things we take for granted.

  4. Such a lovely old bench, and words that touch my soul.

  5. Love, love, love this post! Thanks for the breath!

  6. gorgeous post !!!

  7. la vie en rose

    excellent words! i’d love to sit on this bench and read some good poetry.

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