Passage of Time

Img_2713 Crossing the threshold from Willows California to Marseille France was not easy. Even though I was in love, and starting the journey of married life with a Frenchman, leaving my big loving family and friends, was not taken lightly, my heart ached in the middle of its joy!

France and I were not instant friends, we didn’t just click! No, ours was a slow steady coming together. On those days were France seemed unbearable, cold and hard, on those days where I struggled with the culture, the language, the lack of a cup-of-tea friend! On those days were the different rules and customs bugged me, and grated against my independent being, it seemed some sacred spirit would come and stand by me…in the midst of those blue days something would always tug at my sleeve, as if to say, "Here look, here!" The heart on my sleeve would be mended, a smile would blink away the tears, and I would hold on a little tighter to the country I was coming to know as home.

Sure, I miss my family in Willows, I always will. Time does not change certain things. France is my home, my day to day life. The differences between the two countries and myself I hardly see any more. France has become my friend, I don’t focus on what I have lost, and instead I look at what I have gained.

I have a foot in both countries now, and a heart more full of love.


14 responses to “Passage of Time”

  1. misschrisc

    Beautifully put.

  2. kim from skaneateles, ny

    corey, what a wonderful story! After reading a few books like, Almost french, c’est la vie, and 60 million frenchman can’t be wrong….I find myself wishing and hoping your book would come soon:) Keep up the wonderful job and thank you ever so much for sharing your experiences!

  3. Aww yes it’s far from California, but France is such a beautiful country, especially the South, it’s good to have it as a friend! Since I’ve lived there for a year and learned the language I feel the same.

  4. You write your heart so very well….

  5. lovely post & you just never know, that sacred spirit could be one of those saints – Bernadette or Therese. I envy you that you are so close to their grottoes over there.
    just wondering if you ever come across the gorgeous vintage statues and religious relics for sale?

  6. la vie en rose

    oh wow! this was beautiful. i’m glad you are finding a friend in your your new home.

  7. Corey Amaro

    Thank you for such kind comments, makes me blush!
    There is a new expat in France and her blogs makes me remember all the details of France when I first arrived! Down to tailgatting and chewing gum! Go check her site out, you ‘ll love it:
    Her stories make me recall my first years in France and smile!

  8. AscenderRisesAbove

    Sure do enjoy the images you send us from france…
    Do tell; where is willows california?
    also here is a link I check out occassionally; french word a day

  9. Rebekah

    So sweet and honest, my Friend. I wish I could sit and have tea with you – or would it be cafe au lait now?

  10. Jennifer

    France sounds so beautiful. I’m in love with Europe – sight unseen. My Grandpa came from Norway and that is #1 on my travel to do list but France is a close second 🙂 So different from California though… That would be quite an adjustment. I can’t even imagine.

  11. I can’t imagine not falling right in love with France. It spoke to my heart, so. But I understand how hard it would be if youhad a large, loving family back home. Do you get to come back to Willows very often?

  12. Paris Parfait

    “…I have a foot in both countries now and a heart more full of love.” Just beautiful, Corey! Lovely writing.

  13. I love that last line!

  14. tommiea

    I have never read this post but that is how I see the military life….
    each new place offers so much….’what can we do here?’ ‘who will we meet here?’….i have to remind myself daily these thoughts…because otherwise i will close myself in my home..because it is what I know!

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