Seek and you Shall Find

Img_2075 Venetian Mirror

Bought at a brocante market in Barjols.

In the glass







antique wall paper

If you could see

your future

would you want to?

What image do you give?

Is it your true self?




your eye?


4 responses to “Seek and you Shall Find”

  1. Yes beauty is always catching my eyes. I like the antique wall paper very much and nope I don’t wanna see my future cause I love surprises. Only the good ones of course! Are you still in Paris and posting from there? If so have a wonderful time there!

  2. Oh divine, divine, divine…
    You know whats really sad Corey? I can’t actually look in a mirror. I walk around with my eyes half closed.

  3. The Rich Gypsy

    Oh gosh Corey … I see beauty in everything ~ but any reflection from a mirror as glorious as that could not be anything but beautiful.
    I think it’s a blessing to be able to see beauty in all things.

  4. la vie en rose

    i’m seeing an aged woman who is comfortable in her own skin. i see a woman at peace with herself and active in making her world a better place.

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