Feast Day of Love

11 responses to “Feast Day of Love”
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day to you and your family Corey! Beautiful photo you did last night, the blurriness makes it even more interesting! Btw. I’m in the process of making something for you in return for the cow pie, but it’s not yet finished. Are you curious now 😉
sometimes, just holding hands says it all.
Such touching words for such a loving day. Fabulous Corey. Hugsssss
Valentines blessings to you, Corey! I am so grateful for our blossoming friendship. May you be surrounded by many warm loving hands on this day of shared rapture.
Happy Valentine’s Day Corey! What a pretty poem.
Very nice post. Love the picture.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Connie -
Visiting you is like a mini art gallery tour.
Have a wonderful Valentine’s! -
Thank you for visiting my site!! I hope you return 🙂
Also, I love this painting. Holding hands is among the most sacred parts of my relationship with loved ones. So intimate and sweet.
Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
~Josephine -
There’s nothing more comforting than the human touch.
thank you for the beautiful vday reminder. sending many chocolate kisses your way.
Love your valentines post..just found your beautiful blog and love
it !!!
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