Railings, are everywhere is France. Everywhere. They adorn everything. Varied sizes, intricate to plain-janes, straight-lace to curvy. Made of iron they are made to last. I bet you could go to any part of France, Stand in one spot, pivot around and you would find an iron railing. Like I said they are everywhere, look at this one; It is just hanging out waiting for something to happen to it, it has been waiting so long it is rusty and growing tired with boredom.
Everywhere you Look Railings

2 responses to “Everywhere you Look Railings”
Yes and that’s where my love for iron works comes from, I was so used to see them while I lived in France, but they are hard to get here and often expensive. I’m still looking for an old piece of iron fence as a gate for my garden.
and it’s still gorgeous!
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