Once upon a time–and one time only, did French husband Yann help deliver a wedding cake for Cynthia; our dear American friend, who had a bakery in Paris.
Cynthia who introduced chocolate chip cookies, brownies, cheesecake, bear claws, and muffins to the Parisians, decided to try her hand in wedding cakes; à la Américain style.
The first order came, the cake was baked, decorated and ready to go.
Cynthia delivered her cookies, brownies, and other baked goods with a bicyclette that had an over-sized-basket-like-thing attached to the back. I called it the, "coffin-on-wheels." There was no way that this virgin wedding cake could ride in the back… alone… safely!
The taxi-driver looked at the cake and shook his head, "Pas possible!" The wedding bells were ringing, and the three tier wedding cake, with its fresh cream frosting had to be delivered! The cake was the size of America…
"Tell me how am I going to get this wedding cake to the reception on time!?" Cried Cynthia as she hopelessly looked at me; who had an eight month bun in the oven!
Yann, who would do anything for 10 grams of chocolate, accepted the deal; two dozen brownies – if he would sit in the back of the coffin-on wheels, while Cynthia peddled clear across Paris to deliver the wedding cake on time!
Imagine the bride and groom’s shock when they saw their wedding cake arrive, barely in one piece, and straddled between the legs of a Frenchman!!
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