Symbols of Spring before the Green

26 responses to “Symbols of Spring before the Green”
Hands. A hand to hold. My mother’s hand. My hand as a mother for my children to hold. My yearning for the hand of a strong warm partner. All of us linked by a firm and sturdy grip.
A little deep, huh? But that’s my symbol for today at least.
A hand to hold. -
I think I would want my sign to be a child laughing. I am very much still a kid at heart and I so love to laugh. I really like to look at the world with a very positive attitude.
Take care,
Connie -
All of the symbols you mention (and every one you haven’t; sorry, doesn’t leave much!) are underpinned by the attitudes of the viewer. People see what they want/expect to see. That doesn’t change their power, just their direction.
To paraphrase something I read once: symbolic gestures may be misunderstood, but give them anyway.
Especially the roses. -
A real smile is the most beautiful symbol for me and flowers!
I’ve experienced the same you did at your friends baptism and my daughters confirmation. So boring!Very sad that!
Are that old stamps in your picture? -
The heart is my symbol. A beating heart…life. A racing heartbeat….excitement/fear. An open heart…compassion/understanding. A full heart….love. A cold heart….hatred.
Smiles are my symbol.
That is how Jeff knew I was interested when we first met, and it’s how my kids know that I love them. Their faces glow when I smile at them 🙂 -
The symbol of a genuine smile,warm and embracing. It maybe the easiest for me to convey.
a simple *smile* to be given or received- and all is good in my world;o)
A wounded heart to reach out and touch with healing.
The symbol for me today is the = sign. All things being equal, balanced and in harmony.
hmmm, and i am not a big fan of math! -
Are these old handmade stamps? Really neet! Hmmmm, gestures or symbols. I would have to say that some thing as simple as a smile holds tremendous power for me. It’s that smile of recognition. That you belong and they are happy to see you.
a. -
ooooh I have to think about this a bit more… but for now it would be two hands joined… I try to reach out to others and I treasure those hands who reach out to me….
This is a very thought provoking peice. I would like to think on it a while, because it is worth at least a while of thought…
I think a few of my symbols are heart shapes, stars, and flowers. Those are the things I always draw when I’m talking on the phone…
Buenas Dias, Corey!!
~Josephine -
I’m not sure if I’m going deep enough but…
I just love the fresh air, popping up of flowers before they turn to green bushes and all of the weeds that I never knew where beautiful flowers in the desert once upon a time…
Of course photography speaks those words infinitely… -
i have 2 tattoos–one, a wildflower, symbolizes my rebirth after my divorce. the second, a bumble bee, representing my son, my B. i’m planning a third–a bird with the words ‘live your poem’ for this new chapter of becoming.
I haven’t found my symbol yet, but as soon as I do, I am having it tattooed on my body.
But I won’t tell you where!
Okay, maybe you. -
a symbol..what came to me was …. pride, happiness,love and tears,,im talking about my son brent,,he ran 70 yds for a touchdown …i was in the end zone and i could see the grin on his face as he scored the touchdown …it was sure pride,,,,,
the way snow sparkles in the moonlight symbolizes the kind of energy, mystery and juiciness that keeps me going in life. thanks for a thought provoking piece. i’ve been asked me to be my dearest friend’s granddaughter’s godmother. i think i’ll wear a bit of sparkle to the christening.
You have an an amazing friend. Her words are powerful.
A few words from you puts things into perfect perspective! Sometimes I forget how the miracle of feeling the wind on my skin can bring tears to my eyes. Those are the things that mean the most. ((((hugs)))) lulu
My symbol is, whatever the symbol for symbol is : )
my symbol is a handful of grain to represent the abundance of gleanings in my life.
Thanks for being the very first to comment on my blog.
maggie -
Such an interesting thought…symbols. They are all around us. Though , I will need to think about the symbol of life.
mmmmm-the circle. you been reading jung lately?
I just found you, but I am amazed at how many links and interests we have in common. I look forward to reading more of your blog to see what else I will love as you do.
Isn’t is strange how many blogs one can read that also visit many of the same people one does? Perhaps it’s a phenomenon of the internet, a self-selecting community of sorts?
Cheers, Shelley
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