Live your Gift

Tombstone_by_corey_amaroIn Marseille, on a building is this large carved plaque. The paint is peeling and I can see that there is something underneath image? ancient writing?…It has been covered with layers and layers of paint and dirt, years of days of time have covered whatever is there and I cannot make it out. Yet there are hints of something rich, valuable and worthy of discovery.

I took a photo of it. When I downloaded it on my computer it looked like a tombstone. Then I thought and my reflection was this, "The only thing that will remain is what I leave behind, am I giving it my best?" With that I typed it on the plaque…It seemed appropriate for this last day of the Lenten season.


25 responses to “Live your Gift”

  1. We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. – W. A. Nance.

  2. patty van dorin

    Puppy is still very sick, today my thoughts are sad that he may not make it…but I am giving it my best.

  3. As always your words and photographs deeply touch my soul.
    God bless you real good.
    Love Jeanne
    Happy Easter to you and your precious family!
    Love Jeanne

  4. Shannon Lewis

    Thank you for always giving me words to live by. Thank you, thank you 🙂

  5. Ok, now I’m certain you are Catholic, because you were able to induce guilt in me through the computer screen a half a world away.
    Not that I don’t need to think about this, mind you. I am trying. Everyday, trying.

  6. snowsparkle

    “Live your gift”… so beautifully put, Corey. your words and this image will stay with me. their echo will be like a mantra- breathing in: gratefulness … breathing out:generosity. thank you. i am grateful for you and for this post. good easter to you! big hugs, snowsparkle

  7. Of course they come because they love your blog, my love. You exude beauty and wisdom, and others want to be as near to it as possible.
    Thank you for being you, my friend.

  8. So beautiful, so rich with history, so many layers each telling a story…
    You, your words and this photograph.
    Thank you.

  9. Good reminder this holiday… am I giving it my best ? Somedays yes definitely… somedays not… most days…. I’m workin on it !

  10. This follows my philosophy of making sure never to take anyday for granted, and living each day to the fullest… I need to remind myself contantly, it is easy to follow into routine and old patterns… Thank you for reminding us on this holy day that life is too precious to let slip by. A thought: yet here the peeled paint still remains, a different kind of beauty then originally intended but beautiful never the less – history sometimes has its own designs on what we wish to leave behind…

  11. jennifer

    What an interesting thought to ponder… I’ve been really focused on “living a full life” lately and not really thinking about it from that perspective. Thanks for the insight 🙂

  12. kathleen

    Ah— I always love your insightfulness! 🙂
    Oh how I would love to stroll around your neighborhood, what a feast for the eyes!

  13. Mrs.Staggs

    I feel that the best any of us can really do is to show our love for one another. I try hard to honor life by living in the moment and by giving the best of myself, but somedays I fail. I forgive. I try to be gentle with my imperfection and with that of others because I have loved and been loved by many imperfect people. I’ve learned that once people have left earth the only real thing that’s left behind is the love….sometimes that is the best that you can do.

  14. Thank you for the food for thought. Have a beautiful Easter.

  15. Mary Jane Rossi

    Hi Corey…I often feel the same way…as I get older I realize the value of my children…and they are for the future that will be…and so on and so on….Thanks for the great post….

  16. Shannon (Sentimental)

    Another cool sentiment offered by you. You are right, I need to give my best everyday. How easy it is to forget that.

  17. Still working on it!
    Every day.

  18. –erica

    a question we MUST ask everyday, yet even when we fall short..which we will.. pick up and start again.

  19. My thought was, I wonder how it feels when you touch it? I can imagine.
    When we were in Europe, I loved to touch the old buildings and statues–whatever I could. I would think how old they were, about all the history that went before I was even a glimmer in the eye.

  20. cruststation

    It’s interesting how a plaque can speak to people differently. One which is restored may not say as much as one with paint work peeling…what does it say to you today? Happy Easter Corey!

  21. That is a great phrase! I think if we can answer that question yes then we can finally be at peace.
    Take care,

  22. I love this phrase and I worry for my friends that won’t have children or artwork to leave behind. I feel particularly blessed to have both. Happy Easter!

  23. Wow… great photo and saying! It is interesting the things that make us think… I often have these type of moments as well, but knowing what to do and doing them are 2 different things. Its like dieting… I KNOW what foods to eat… and that I should exercise… its just that I dont!! lol
    cheers! Kate

  24. mary ann

    love the photo and your quiet reflection about it.
    it’s a good one to ask ourselves from time to time.
    as always, thanks for sharing your thoughts, art and wisdom.
    mary ann

  25. Wow, what a beautiful family, you are truly blessed. The photo of your daughter would be lovely, painted. I have a Chelsea belle 🙂 She’s 22, a graphic designer and just bought her first house. Am I proud or what?!

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