

The touch,

the tender moment when all stands still,

the moment we know that life is not just here and now,

when the invisible force of mystery walks with us,

when without introduction, we feel the name of love labeled on our lives.


that nothing is for not!

Faith lends us grace.


27 responses to “Knowing”

  1. Living life with a purpose makes a life worth living:)

  2. Oh Corey I “know” that this must be a picture of your garden, is it? It’s a beautiful rose! I have faith in plants, they make me happy!

  3. Ooo…you are venturing into swampy ground for me. Faith does indeed lend grace and must be respected for it. But there are other paths through the woods that arrive at the same destination.

  4. Paris Parfait

    Corey, this is just what I needed to hear right now. Beautiful image and powerful words. Thank you!

  5. judypatooote

    That is such a neat picture. If it were mine I would frame….it is so different…..I love the dried vines on the back and the two little roses…

  6. This day is a rose.
    A beautiful pink one……..
    Eloquent words and beauty of roses, what more could we ask for. I thank you for yet another moving piece.
    Each one moves my soul!
    Love Jeanne
    Ontario Canada!

  7. without faith in something life is lost.

  8. Oh so true… the epiphany that there is more! more love…

  9. Good morning Corey. What a lovely way to start my day. I’m off now for a couple minutes of morning prayer, a habit I’ve been trying to cultivate but without much success. Thank you for the reminder.

  10. I love your beautiful pictures
    and your beautiful words….
    gently reminding me each day.. thank you.

  11. expatraveler

    Corey – I love the vines. We don’t see much of that here yet it is so lovely!

  12. Josephine

    Thank you for those beautiful, pink roses!

  13. Shannon Lewis

    Beautiful poetry written by a beautiful friend.

  14. jennifer

    another lovely reminder… Thanks so much.

  15. Beautiful!

  16. la vie en rose

    *sigh* so beautiful…

  17. This matches my thoughts exactly, today… We must be talking to the same angel. 😉

  18. GORGEOUS photo and amazing thoughtful poetry as usual.
    Your the best Corey!
    love ya,

  19. endment

    beautiful post – perfect match between poem and photo

  20. Ah, a reminder I needed today; love, faith, & grace. Beautiful. Thank you.

  21. mary ann

    thank you for the inspiring words and picture…i really needed to hear that today!
    🙂 mary ann

  22. Naturgirl

    Beautiful words..beautiful photo!!

  23. cruststation

    I love that photo! To me it shows the desire to climb and survive, to become beautiful. To grow into something everyone will admire and love…grace helps us to excel.

  24. Mary Jane

    Healing words….

  25. sandy gordon

    Being that Mother’s Day approaches…my mother has been on my mind so much. I was looking at past pictures of my mom and grandmother and great grandmother.
    These women were young girls once …and staring at the pictures I focused on them and the stories I had heard over time that had bits and pieces of thier lives before I was in them…
    These women were always a part of MY world. Always been in it. But I was something that happened along the way in thiers.
    I peered at thier faces, thier eyes….thinking about who they are there and what dreams they had, what they liked to do. In those moments captured by the cameras it is interesting to know they had no idea who I was or the roles we would play in eachother’s lives.
    All of the love that I would get from them … all of the things they would teach me.
    This might not be exactly what you were writing about…but it spoke to these feelings and thoughts I am having about love and mystery and moments before and after NOW.
    When you spoke of faith…it came to me that they gave me so much to go forward with. And faith in that makes me feel stronger today.
    Thank you again Corey… isn’t the ripple effect of the energy you put out so interesting???
    Love, S.

  26. You must have visited a place of grace as I did this past weekend.
    Oh, the mysteries of life!

  27. Beautiful words. Thanks for sharing.

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