Vintage Child’s Play


Have you ever had one of those days where nothing goes right? Where you do the best you can and you feel like you have a dog on your head?


Not a bad day not even a gray day, more like a mishap type of day, where everything happens at once. When you swear you have pigs at your feet, cute pigs, but pigs nevertheless! And who let the lamb in house?


A day when you wonder WHY!!! The sort of day when you are to make the cakes for the party and you drop all the eggs! Where are the chickens when you need them? …You know the type of day where the crazies come to play!


You know those type of days?

To make matters worse, you know you have forgotten something, but for the love of chocolate you cannot remember what it is, until it is too late?


Today has been one of those days. I am happy I had a bow on my shoe, my pretty little shoe, otherwise I might have stomped my foot and maybe even kicked someone in the _ _ _ _. Yes, really I could have!


(The inner child is very wise, playing paper dolls can truly put life in perspective.) Instead I turned around and walked away.


Instead of barking at myself, I looked at the dog on my head as an daring crown.


Simple salad is best.


39 responses to “Vintage Child’s Play”

  1. snowsparkle

    i was thinking last night about how every post of yours is such a visual treasure and how the words you choose to accompany them are infused with loving observations and kind wisdom, how i can’t wait to see your imaginations each day. look what you did with your dog crowned day! ah, corey you are so fabulous! (my favorite is the little winged bee child)

  2. jennifer

    Good morning, I hope today will be a much better day… Now I really must step away from the computer!

  3. Oh these are so lovely. I wonder how many little girls played with these such as you just did.
    Yes, I’ve had those days. Had one yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love always,

  4. oh such delightful whimsy…loved this!
    great pics…

  5. Paperdolls were my favorite thing when I was little. I still love paperdolls but don’t indulge the play. I think I need to change that. Thank you, Corey, for the sweet start to my day and back to work.

  6. cruststation

    What a lovely set of vintage paper dolls. I remember playing them when I was a child and we even made houses for them, these are definitely things to treasure. I love the way you organise all your photos preparing to tell their story. And what a great quilt!!

  7. Your imagination is a wonderful place.

  8. susan@artesprit

    corey! love this sunny post! lovely lovely… and just read your questions at the artist interview! i just sent my answers to jt. last night!

  9. I agree with snowsparkle! You have a rich and vivid imagination. I love paperdolls. And who did let the lamb in the house? But topping it off with the dog crown was pure genius.

  10. Ohhhh I have those kind of days all the time, and here I thought it was just me! I only wish I looked as whimsical and enchanting as your little ones when my days have gone slightly askew…

  11. vicci_ann

    You come shining through Corey….I think when days like this happen…it’s good to retreat and go read a book…or bake cookies…or go take a wonderful photo of ANYTHING!!!

  12. Josephine

    I second Snowsparkle! Wow, Corey, this is just SPECTACULAR!! I wonder how you do it, how you find such beauty and put it all together with such skill?
    My favorite is the salad girl, but they are all gorgeous. Thank you, Corey, you just made my heart feel very, very joyful and playful!

  13. stephanie s

    thank you – every day i come to visit and know you will be looking at life differently that i do – more thoughtfully and creatively – thank you for reminding me to take a closer look and imagine what i am seeing with poetry and not the four curse words i usually use. i think i will be looking for a dog crown very soon.

  14. at work,unsuccessfully suppressing giggles.People staring,wondering “what could possibly be SO funny? In intensive care?” sorry souls to not have a you in their lives…

  15. Paris Parfait

    So clever, Corey! Just brilliant! Love the paper dolls and the scenario you’ve concocted.

  16. Fabulous post darling one!
    Love those vintage photo’s!
    Bless you!

  17. Every single vintage picture is adorable! Yes, how we can all relate! I am trying to work in the garden and…
    ~it is too wet
    ~the soil is too heavy
    ~my heart is pumping too fast
    (am I that out of shape?)
    ~my ideals are not matching up with reality
    I came in to take a break and re-evaluate…by visiting you!
    Thanks for your amazing posts…each one of them.
    P.S. I had coffee the other night(espresso) served in a little french cup…started talking about…YOU!
    I shared about your wonderfully inspired blog with my friend…we had a petite taste of Heaven/France!
    Love and thoughts,
    Joanne in Ontario

  18. “You know the type of day where the crazies come to play!”
    This, my dear, is my reality. Thanks for illustrating it so nicely ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Rebekah

    A chaotic day all dressed up in paper doll attire. Much more palatable! They are lovely, and call out the little girl in me who loved to play with paper dolls and imagined great stories.

  20. You are SO creative and funny! Even if you were talking about one of “those days”, it still made me giggle. Sorry!
    Those dolls are simple beautiful!

  21. Shannon Lewis

    What a great story, LOL. Lots to tell about with all of those pictures.

  22. homemakerang

    hi, when your done kicking ๐Ÿ™‚ can you come on over and let me know some decorating tips ๐Ÿ™‚
    like, a skirt on the sink etc. and what kind, swiss dotty or white with ball fringe or neither or both or what? xoxox


    Any chance you might make copies of these and some of your other lovely finds there for packets to sell to us for collage and other art ???
    Please please please…

  24. mary ann

    how delightful your writing and playful, vintage images!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  25. Paper dolls…oh I love them so much. You are just amazing with your creativity. You can even turn a not so good day into a smile.

  26. Deryn Mentock

    Well who wouldn’t want a Fox Terrier on their head!

  27. Corey, I just adore the paperdolls and the quilt you have them arrayed on. I wish I had read your post earlier in the day…mine was similar to yours. My lovely shoe was sparkly gold though, no bow.

  28. Corey Moortgat

    You have great perspective! I love the paper dolls!

  29. jenny vorwaller

    oh corey!!! i love it so much!! (and hello! where have i been! its been too long since i visited you!!)

  30. MaryBeth

    where did you find those precious paper dolls? I am always looking for my eldest granddaughter and I am always attracted to that which is unique and not easily found here in the U.S.
    I have days such as this several times a month-especially if I am lacking sleep. Your whimsical humor brings the ~lightness~ so needed as we “SWEAT THE SAMLL STUFF” that in the “BIG” picture does not deserve even one single sigh.

  31. I never feel like I have a dog on my head, but I sometimes feel like I am wearing an ass-hat. This is a very creative post. I adore it, but I am sorry you are not having a better day.

  32. carolg@pb

    I DEFINITELY had one of those days yesterday! And I’m in Paris, where everything is supposed to be parfait…but beauty turned it around for me ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH! This post is hilarious! For having a Bad day with a dog on your head most of it you sure do know how to have fun regardless! ahh yes you’re silly! I love that!

  34. wishes&Heros

    funny, very!
    Love the crasy paper dolls…

  35. MCaplan

    It is 7:30 am and I already feel like I have a “dog on my head”!! But now I will go out in confidence! Glad I didn’t see this post earlier because it might not have had the same impact. Today I really really need it!!
    Thank you.

  36. linda harre

    you are always SO CLEVER!!!! you make me smile:)

  37. Love the vintage paper doll. I have memories of cutting them out with our elderly neighbor lady.

  38. weirdbunny

    Oh I just love all those paper dolls!!!!!!

  39. wow these are WONDERFUL!

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