When I was eight years old, and for the next eight years, I took sewing lessons. Or I should say sewing lessons took me; every Saturday morning at 8am until noon. Torture. The first lesson, the class had to sew on the straight lines of binder paper. Uncreative for a creative soul. The second lesson, we made a laundry bag. If the sewing wasn’t perfect we had to rip it out and start again. It is a wonder my laundry bag could hold anything, I ripped it out to the point of having to make it smaller, as the seams were shredded. Our teacher was a perfectionist, she was an amazing woman, I was her biggest challenge. Every student won blue ribbons at the County fair. She was determine that I would not fail her. I did not.
But, to this day the song, "The first cut is the deepest," echos in my head when I attempt to sew and I cannot.
Vintage Scissors, Vintage ribbon. Vintage habits.
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