Noticing the Small Wonders in the Big Picture of Life


There is a reason for everything no matter how small, or undefined. Everything serves a purpose. Each small task, minuscule, insignificant seemingly unimportant holds a reason for being.

The linen seed…the toiled dirt…the pollen…the thread…spinning spool…the shell collected and carved into a button…the needle… the stitch…the knot at the end.

The smile I gave as I passed by.

Hand-sewn button on the backside of a 19th century linen pillow case. Perfect harmony, and still intact. Whatever task you do, no matter how small, give it your best.

My dear friend Ulla writes,

… seeing ‘purpose’ in the small things makes the larger unknowns less fearful.


36 responses to “Noticing the Small Wonders in the Big Picture of Life”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Amen to that. And extra important for me to be reminded of that today – I must make a decision at work during today and tomorrow which will influence on people’s life for years to come. I will remember your blue pillow and button. By the way – the pillow would be absolutely perfect in my garden with my blue furniture.

  2. Life is made up of significant moments both large and small.
    Embrace them all
    Love Jeanne

  3. Paris Parfait

    Lovely thought for the day! As for “the smile I gave as I passed by,” each piece you write brings a smile – even if it’s a smile mixed with tears! Beautiful!

  4. Small tasks, done with care, certainly are the poetry of life everlasting. Long after the craftsman is gone, the good work prevails. Another inspiring post, Corey. Thank you!

  5. snowsparkle

    at first, i thought maybe this was a subtle reminder to button my blue blouse a little higher ๐Ÿ™‚ but i was delighted to see that the theme is appreciation and dilligence in small things. my patron saint (therese of the little flower) was one who lived this concept well. thank you for this reminder… it will bring beauty and light to my day.

  6. jennifer

    wonderful reminder, I’ll be thinking of this today…

  7. What a lovely sentiment! I agree completely ๐Ÿ™‚ So much seems to happen for a reason, we might as well make the most of every single bit!

  8. When the ‘big picture of the world’ is so frightening to me today, I take tender joy in relishing the small wonders… dust on moth wings, dew-drops on rose petals, peach-fuzz on my loves cheeks, and the brightness of the tip of a candles flame… seeing ‘purpose’ in the small things makes the larger unknowns less fearful.

  9. How perfect. Yes, in all we do, however small, be prideful and do your best.
    You are amazing dear Corey.

  10. Every day you remind us of the tiny significant moments of life. Thank you for our daily inspiration Dearest Corey.

  11. cruststation

    Love your eye for details and beauty around you. What a wonderful reminder too. Indeed we need to try our best in everything we do, set a good example!

  12. wishes&Heros

    You are right! I love detail!

  13. I’m not sure how you perform this magic on your blog each day. It’s simply wonderful!

  14. Shannon Lewis

    You have such a gift to see the significance in what most see as unsignificant.
    I hope I can develop that gift.

  15. stephanie s

    so beautiful – your words. i spent a great deal of yesterday picking through shell buttons just as you show. delicate, strong and just so darn pretty. thank you for another shot of beauty.

  16. I gotta tell you, you write of the neatest things; you make the ordinary, extraordinary!
    Thanks for that!

  17. julie christie- leary

    I have been visiting you silently for quite awhile, but today is the day I chime in. I try hard to stay in the moment but so many times the “what ifs” and the lists of “to-be-done” overwhelm me and I feel anxious. I, too,have found some peace in the observance of little things. And through them, more of an understanding of myself. At this moment I am enjoying the emergence of spring greens in my garden and chive flowers that are about to burst free.And outside my window, the doves have made a nest and we are reminded daily of the beauty of nature, as we wait to see the heads of their babies peak back at us.

  18. Josephine

    And, what a beautiful smile, to be felt all the way across the blue Atlantic!

  19. blackbird

    This is such a good lesson –
    and they way I try to live each day.

  20. mikaelah

    What a beautiful button. I notice that you compose blue on blue often. It is a nice way of seeing things in one color. It seems to magnify the image somehow. When you mentioned pollen… I was reminded of yesterday when my son threw a ball into a bush and it shook a blizzard of pollen loose from all the flowers. It was a very pretty shower of white. Little things. You writing evokes such lovely memories.

  21. Corey you reach into my soul and pull out flowers… Thank you for sending so many wishes and prayers my way…

  22. Bonne Nuit my friend, I’m so happy you are around!

  23. Perfect Wisdom. One mom’s need to remember, when we might be feeling a little unimportant while doing the laundry or washing the pots…

  24. great words to live by corey!
    thank you for that and the pretty pretty blue button!

  25. herhimnbryn

    Details today…….
    A rain bedraggled primrose.
    An old linen blouse.
    My hands getting older ( but I think still beautiful. Can I say that?!).
    The laughter lines around my friend’s eyes.
    The grey in my husbands hair.
    Thankyou Corey. Today I ‘looked’.

  26. What a wonderful message! I love all of your pictures, the antiques, vintage fabrics, paintings… I can only imagine the beauty that you wake up to every day.

  27. So true. There is a reason for everything. Everything has a thread through time that leads to it.
    The problem with that is two fold. Firstly do we need to know the reason? I know about dust in the air and its affect on light, but it does not improve a sunset.
    And secondly, we guess reasons and often guess wrong. The innocent smile may be misinterpreted as something more sinister and an act of generosity is lost.
    Sometimes we need to accept things as being beautiful for no reason other than that they seem beautiful.

  28. I so enjoy your posts each day…
    you help me to remember the little things and it truly has made some differences in my days. Thank you!

  29. Yes, the simple tread of life is what holds it all together but is rarely seen.
    Thank you for your daily thoughts that touch our hearts.

  30. Thank you for giving me cause today to remember that much beauty and meaning lies in the details and in the spaces between…

  31. MCaplan

    What wonderful thoughts for such an ordinary object! You really do look at life through such wonderful eyes!

  32. naturegirl

    When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
    Blue:represents spiritualism,
    thoughtfulness, consideration, and care.

  33. Corey,I see everything differently thanks to you,you have amazing vision and a truly great soul.Blessings to you.xx

  34. Colette

    Love is in the details.

  35. la vie en rose

    thank you for this reminder and the quote from Ulla is perfect. i must jot it down and read it often!

  36. mary ann

    so very true corey!
    it’s the little things in life that make all the difference in the world!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann (p.s., i’m back!!!!}

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