

    The film, Marie-Antoinette, by Sophia Coppola click here to preview.

I saw this movie last night, it is a stunning visual decadence…ribbons and lace and hoopla beauty that makes any Valentine I ever had look flat and pale!

Each scene of Marie-Antoinette takes you deeper into the voices of Versailles. Leads to the constant opening of the bedroom curtain, the haunting reality that nothing is what it seems. Innocence is not rewarded justification is the protocol of happiness ever after.

"Let them eat cake," and they did, sumptuous cakes at that, though it seems Marie-Antoinette longed for bread, simple bread…

The last line in the movie says it all… her constant companion.

In the end it seems to always boil down to the same bone in the pan.

The image is of a vintage compact of mine, wait until you see the blindfolds in the movie! There are a million things I want to say about this film…but I will wait until you see it before unfolding.


45 responses to “Marie-Antoinette”

  1. snowsparkle

    ah… the blindfolds! what a great metaphor. can’t wait to see the movie!

  2. The movie looks amazing. Thanks for the sneak peek. I love it all! Did you ever see “The Affair of the Necklace?”

  3. endment

    This is one of the periods that fascinate me… We begin to find contemporary documentation yet there is still so much that is unknown.
    The compact is yummy!

  4. “visual decadence” I see what you mean, just from the preview. I look forward to seeing it!

  5. Heather

    That is a compact??? Beautiful! I have a small collection of compacts and this one is just lovely.

  6. stephanie s

    wow, you are my pulse on pop culture!!! i just listened, not five minutes ago, to a radio story about Cannes, the film festival, and the movie… then you pop up with this. how fun for you to get to participate! and for us to have this most enticing review! -s

  7. je suis tout jaloux!

  8. I love movies like that. I wonder though, Kristen Dunst? Hmmmmm, she better be good.
    Lovely compact hon. Have a great weekend.

  9. susan@artesprit

    oooh hurray! something new to see! i hope i can get it here … thanks for the kind words about my stab at poetry!
    everyday? hmmmmm….
    lovely compact. rococo go!

  10. Morning my friend,
    I love your analogy of the movie…I shall have to see it, too. And your compact is stunning; I love the way you compare the blindfolds to the movie…you have peaked my interest. Have a sunny day!

  11. Oh Corey…I cant wait to see this movie…sounds so delicious. Gorgeous compact…you lucky girl !

  12. Paris Parfait

    Beautiful compact! Does the film say she said “Let them eat cake?” Because she never actually said that; her enemies said she said it to stir up trouble. The Cannes critics savaged the film, but I expect it’s because a non-European actress had the lead role. I’ll be interested to see it and compare notes with you!

  13. I have been to Versailles and it was the most beautiful place I have ever seen !

  14. Adeleine

    I cannot wait to see this film! The costumes, sets and cinematography look stunning.
    Alas, it is not released in the barren North (Canada) until October…

  15. omigosh, what a preview! And Dunst bending over the balcony arms spread and head down! What a haunting foreshadowing of things to come. I hope I get a chance to see this movie. Thank you for the trailer. I had not heard of it.

  16. the blindfolds sound naughty to me. can’t wait.

  17. Also a movie I am anxious to see.
    I love glorious movies too!
    Bless you my friend!
    Love and sparkling pink kisses!

  18. Mary Jane

    Thanks for the peek of Marie-Antoinette….LOL

  19. cruststation

    I also watched a Kirsten Dunst movie last night lol. Love the decadence and costumes in the trailer but would have preferred someone else as lead actress. Looks interesting, will probably go and watch it. Love your vintage compact ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. deirdre

    I haven’t heard about this movie yet, but I’d like to see it. An ancestor of mine was a lady-in-waiting to Marie-Antoinette and it will be fun to get a glimpse of that life. She survived by escaping to Ireland.

  21. Colette

    A must-see for me. I visited Versailles on a school outing many many years ago and I still remember it. One of your correspondents questioned whether she actually said “cake”. I was given to understand that she said “brioche” (bread for the rich??!!) Haha!
    Thank you for a great review.

  22. jennifer

    Sounds like a “must see” – maybe after my bath ๐Ÿ˜‰

  23. Oh my, this is definitely a film worth seeing…It looks as if it has been properly researched before being assembled…Thanks for its mention, Corey!!!

  24. wishes&Heros

    I have to see it too!

  25. Britt-Arnhild

    I don’t know if this film will make it to Norway, but I sure hope it does. If not I must wait for the video/dvd.

  26. Sounds like a trip to the movies is in order! I just finished watching “Elizabeth I”… what is it about royalty that is so enticing??

  27. Pass the popcorn girl! I don’t understand why we (Americans) have to wait soooo long to see this?! Its driving me CRAZY!!!

  28. Not until October 13th in the US!!! Grrr…. I may have to come visit to see it now that you have whetted my appetite. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. My pulse is quickening at the thought of seeing this movie…and your description was all the more reason! And that luscious compact! I love the grande and glorious and decadant historical movies…now let’s see… what kind of cake to bake to celebrate this? Thanks! Jenny

  30. I’ve been wanting to see this since Ulla posted about it! I can’t wait. It looks divinely beautiful.
    (By the way, I was laying in bed this morning and daughter popped in and was asking about your visit, I was explaining the flea market outing with you and Ulla and she was miserably disappointed she wasn’t coming along… I told her she would just end up getting hurt as we fought over items!)

  31. oh Corey, jealousy never looks good on me! I want to know more and will gladly read on, even before I get a chance to see it here in LA.

  32. mary ann

    will check that out when it comes to my town!
    thanks for the preview [& can’t wait to read your critique]!
    the compact is precious!
    mary ann ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Sarah Scott

    Intriguing! Normally it annoys me when historical films are made with American accents (not to mention not in the appropriate language.) But, this film does not seem to intend to take itself too seriously, and appears to be more for art’s sake than historical. I am interested to see it.

  34. Sarah Scott

    P.S. I looked at your family pics. Your husband is ridiculously good looking! Oh-la-la!

  35. robinfox pampered in paris

    viva la france! is this not what it is all about, other than the hokey pokey!!!acrooss the miles and across the smiles, robin

  36. Oooooh! I love movies like that! I can’t wait to see it.

  37. naturegirl

    A “girly” world filled with ribbons and frills, lace,
    silk and satin,pretty shoes oh such pretty shoes! Gowns and ballrooms.Let us all eat lucious cake!!How fun would it be to have a girly party and serve all sorts of pretty fattening cakes and tea and fragrant flowers lots of them with lacey linens.. and white feathers.. and.. and…Just imagine!!

  38. Bev Hammer

    Interesting. I may go see it.

  39. I am looking forward to seeing this movie even though the French don’t seem to be too fond of it. I think it got a few boos in the audience at Cannes where it was shown. I just saw the Da Vinci Code and was so disappointed. They should have consulted me about the script-and the casting. I love Tom Hanks but he just did not fit the part. I know the book wasn’t great literature but it was a good story and the movie should have been exciting but I found it boring. When they showed the brass line in the mockup of St Sulpice with the Arago medallions on it, I was appalled. Who did this? Oh well. Maybe next time Ron Howard will consult me.

  40. marybeth

    So true about a heart in need of love…
    I hope to see the movie this Tuesday on my Birthday outing with the ladies.

  41. Oh give me bread and cheese any day all washed down with a glass of red of course.Cake is nice but so often comes with guilt!

  42. kathleen

    We have to wait until fall to see it here *sigh*… but it gives me something grand to look forward too… I can always use a good dose of visual decadence! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. la vie en rose

    i’ve been wanting to see this ever since i saw a preview at another movie. it looked like such a beautiful movie.

  44. Marilyn

    I’m quite curious to see how she’s done this film…

  45. jinxthegypsy

    Been waiting to watch that one! The promos look great.

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