I am a clean freak.
I come from a long line of clean freaks.
My Mom is the cleanest freak of all, surely when she dies and goes to heaven, they will find her with a dust rag in her hand, cleaning the pearly gates before she enters!!
My home is spotless; Dust bunnies have no chance, dishes done, floors mopped, beds made, cupboards organized, everything has a place.
My two teenagers and Frenchhusband, are more anal than I am, Oui!
Though with that said…the ironing is my enemy, it is my downfall, with its heaping mountains, and rivers of socks running around without partners! It is my constant battle, that and remembering to buy toilet paper!
Diana, the napkins are on top, vintage 1900s set of 8 or maybe a few more, who knows there is such a heap of ironing it is hard to keep track!
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