How to Write a Blog

Wake up, walk around the house, look at every little thing.

Scratch your head. Wander, hum, when you see the

smile of the ridiculously happy little lambs-

wonder if they have a story to tell?

Listen by looking.

Take in the scene, the elements at hand, look at everything;

even the sheep in the background

egging to get your attention by acting dead!

There is a story to tell about the peeling paint of your soul,

the cracks in the ceiling and the ground on which you walk.

Even if it ain’t rosy!

You might have to carry thoughts around,

You might think you have nothing to say,

The lame lamb might  baa when you least expect it.

Creative expression can change everything.

Tell me about your day? What are you feeling?

Where are your hopes and dreams taking you?

Look here is little Boy Blue, did you know he had dots

for eyes and oversize shoes?

French santons, mostly 19th century pieces…handmade, found in the south of France, at a fleamarket. Animals are harder to find, smiling sheep impossible.

click on any photo to enlarge.


43 responses to “How to Write a Blog”

  1. Ha … this one made me smile! Cos I DID look around my house this morning and briefly pondered the cobwebs on the lights and the size of the ironing pile! But the kids went to soccer so I had a few rare hours totally alone, so I chose to reflect within instead. Haven’t stopped writing since! hehe

  2. I love the animal and shepherd figures – inspiration strikes at unlikely times, or maybe not so unlikely. Kneading bread dough does it for me, which is good cos we run out of bread all the time, need to bake again today. I’ll wait to be inspired….

  3. Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
    You sure have an amazing home filled with treasure troves and lots of eye candy!
    Love and smiles
    across the miles!
    Love Jeanne

  4. mary ann

    blogging has become a priority for me & a major factor in how i look at & interpret things /people /animals /events around me >>> everything & everyone are fair game when it comes to blogging!
    & i am so glad to know that i am not alone on this…as there are so many wonderful blogs out there, like yours corey for great example!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  5. Shannon Lewis

    So that’s how you go about writing your blog!
    I typically throw some words around in my head describing everyday things that’ve happened in my life….
    Then I sit down and write really fast before my kids get at me ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Paris Parfait

    La lecons pour la vie, n’est pas, ma cher ami? C’est bonne! Merci beaucoup pour votre inspiration!

  7. susan@artesprit

    lovely lambs!
    i am feeling well rested after yesterday’s gardening, finished my blogging for today early and ready to finish painting chloe’s room! your neatnick post inspired me to do a little cleaning today too later … if not too tired..
    love how you put your posts together corey dear! happy sunday!

  8. patty van dorin

    Images are my writing medium of choice for I can only express myself in pictures, but you have mastered a delightful mix of words and images.

  9. Britt-Arnhild

    My way of blog writing is a little different, but I think we both share that it make us see the worl in a new, and deeper way.
    I love your santons. I have a growing collection of santons also, though mine are new. I bought the first ones in Avignon three years ago when we were there on vacation. Mine has a Christmas theme mostly. My husband visited Avignon again last fall and he bought me the three magis. I am a huge collector of nativity scenes, which you will see when December come and I start again to write my Advent basket day to day story. I also did it last year which can be seen in my December archives. I am writing a book about Lent and Lental traditions right now and went twice to Italy the past months to get inspiration. Next my dream is to write a book about nativity scenes, and come to Provence for inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. And here I thought it was due to your silver tongue! Mystery solved… The poetry that leaps out of your fingertips nurishes our hearts and souls and like a fine French pastry we keep coming back for more… Today I am hoping and dreaming for an inspiration to pull me through these muddy waters – you are like a light in the sky dear Corey!

  11. snowsparkle

    this reminds me of a french song i learned in kindergarten about a little french girl watching her snow white sheep… the chorus was a deliciously rolling phrase: “a-ronk-ronk-ronk, pa-tea-patty-ponk” thanks for the reminder. love the one playing dead in the background for attention! hahahahahaha!

  12. Marilyn

    I’m old enough to know that my hopes and dreams are sneaky little things…I can have my head down…plotting and planning to head down a particular road…and then I look up and realize I’m someplace entirely different…and that I like it there. Delightful post…I can never predict where post inspiration will come from…the best times are when the source is utterly unlikely and nothing I could have predicted. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. stephanie s

    those are beautiful. i am afraid if they were mine the paint would all be gone from handling them so much. my job today is to look, everywhere, for smiling sheep – i will keep you posted…

  14. judypatooote

    They remind me of a nativity set my mom had… The one lamb had a broken leg, it was covered with lambs wool…..i believe my daughter has it now. Those old animals are priceless…..It is nice to see some of your treasures……

  15. Oh, what a great post! I laughed at the little guy “playing dead”, LOL! How funny to see it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Blogging has opened such unexpected doors of creativity and self-reflection. And new friendships, I never expected at all, with the most interesting people. Wonderful people.
    Like you!

  16. AWWW they are so cute!
    As far as the Ironing I found this great steamer from Rowenta, just add water and some Provence linen water and just steam away on th ehanger.
    It was on QVC for $99.00 and it is worth it, no more ironing board.
    Thank you for your visit, I forgot to ask permission to had you to my blog, I hope it was ok.
    Have a great weekend.

  17. herhimnbryn

    Smiling sheep. divine post C. No happy sheep for me today but……………. out walking with the family on a local common, we found a notice telling us that Exmoor ponies were grazing in the area!
    Round the next corner we heard a thudding of hooves and there were 6 of them, manes flowing and I swear they were all Smiling. They looking quite magical. All of us stopped and gazed in awe and paid silent respect to such beautiful creatures.

  18. I think we should all listen more than we hear and see more than we look.Life is full of stories to tell.Thanks for sharing the story of the smiley sheep:)

  19. How rude I forgot to answer your question!My day was full.Full of things,full of jobs but full of fun.We didn’t have any smiley sheep but plenty of cheeky monkeys and jelly rabbits!As for hopes and dreams I live with hope and dreams are my friends:)

  20. Whatever your secrets to blogging — I’m just thankful that you share your thoughts with the rest of us. Your writing, so full of grace, wit and ‘life’ is the highlight of my day.

  21. amy rue

    Oh! I love sheep! I have a wonderful art collection featuring sheep and I treasure them. Thank you for sharing these wonderful scenes. The sheep playing possum is after my heart!

  22. Hi
    first of all I think your site is just lovely. I would also like to tell you that the image of the medal you showed on an earlier post is that of Our Lady of LaSallet.Thought you’d like to know.

  23. jinxthegypsy

    they’re the cutest lambs i’ve ever seen ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice pics , Corey.

  24. Catalina

    ๐Ÿ™‚ I am always walking around with a camera and stories in my head suggested by what I see…having a blog makes you act like this, like a reporter..

  25. Stuff. My day was full of stuff. People, food, a little wine, a little study, and more people. I liked it. And it’s not over yet.

  26. expatraveler

    Hopes : sunny weather
    Dreams: taking that perfect photo on the first shot.
    Reality: must get moving and accomplish a lot all in a small amount of time.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ but life is good.

  27. Answers my question about how you do it! I will try and post more often, following your inspiration…xo-mad

  28. I have a little collection of wooden toys, the kind with the cylindrical bottom that you push and the figure dances. Following your inspiration I think I’ll post a page of photos of them tomorrow… I love the last photo of ‘little boy blue with the dots for eyes and the oversize shoes.’

  29. cruststation

    Fantastic! I wish I could write stories for everything I see, you are so imaginative Corey, thanks for sharing.

  30. Exactly!

  31. “Dots for eyes and oversize shoes”… beautiful.
    take care, grache

  32. How fun is this! I had a good smile with this one.

  33. Wonderfully inspiring post!! But then they always are!! Thanks!

  34. tant pis about the smiling sheep!
    i’m going to direct my
    non-blogging friends when
    they ask me why i blog or
    if they should.
    i love it!

  35. Your lovely posts are proof positive that life’s treasures exist all around us, and especially in the smallest corners of our everyday world.
    These were marveous instructions!

  36. That is clever!

  37. Hee! I loved this! Perfect marriage of words and pictures.

  38. Through images and words you have made my heart smile!
    Thank you.

  39. Sticking it in your eye

    Very sweet and clever. I really enjoyed this post.

  40. Super! LOL
    I really wonder about the little guy playing dead. IS he playing dead? Or did he just drink too much French wine??

  41. Very nicely written.
    I love your take on “instructions”.

  42. Very nicely written.
    I love your take on “instructions”.

  43. Your usual sweet and clever take on a theme. Very enjoyable Corey. Love the little guys.

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