Mother’s Guilt


Okay, I use to dress Chelsea up like a doll;

and take pictures of her.          

You gotta know I couldn’t drive, I was alone, it was winter…

Paris was cold, grey and rainy, and I was from California!            

…with only a teaspoonful of friends who could speak English.

Frenchhusband, who would leave for work before the birds started singing, and would return when the sun had gone down…

Depression was hanging out trying to be my friend!

I was alone with our beautiful baby, and my imagination…

I am found not guilty…but very thankful…

She saved me!

A photo I retook of a photo of Chelsea, 1990


46 responses to “Mother’s Guilt”

  1. Ah..Look at that face! You are glad you took those photos now..yes?

  2. Do not feel guilty dear Corey! what an absolute cherub! though I doubt she will allow you to show this one to future boyfriends!but hey ..what am I saying you have posted it on the worldwide web! does Chelsea know? 🙂

  3. This is beyond sweet…

  4. stephanie s

    oh my, she is simply beautiful… and patient too…

  5. jinxthegypsy

    Thats an adorable picture!

  6. Oh I wish I lived near you I would have kept you company and we would make each other smile~
    Love you darling one.
    You delight me and I love this photograph as I do them all and the words are beyond comprehension to me.
    Love you dearly!

  7. How brave and wonderful your journey has been and baby just look at you now!
    Blossoming and flourishing and sharing the love!
    Love Jeanne

  8. what a gorgeous child!

  9. No guilt needed – there she is – the centre of your focus and love, what else does a toddler need?

  10. Shannon Lewis

    That picture took my breath away when I saw it. You should look into doing that professionally if you’re ever inclined.

  11. Britt Arnhild Lindland

    I had two boys first, and then when they were 7 and 5 I got my first doll. Oh, I remember how i loved, loved, loved to dress her up – untill one day in kindergarten she declared loudly that from then on she was going to wear jeans, and became a tomboy for years. She can dress up now, at the age of 16, soon to become 17, but still she is most comfortable in jeans and sweaters. And so are my 10 year old Marta.

  12. LOL! Oh my gosh! She looks like a doll! How could you NOT dress her up? You should feel no guilt. If she didn’t want to be dressed up like a doll, she shouldn’t have been born so cute. That’s life. hehehe.

  13. naturegirl

    Chelsea could fit into the girly world of Marie-Antoinette!!Beautiful child!:)

  14. Paris Parfait

    Such a gorgeous photo of a beautiful little girl! And a creative thing to do while figuring out your new life. I don’t expect any one was harmed in the process! Wonderful post, Corey. I love the way you think. 🙂

  15. Your baby Chelsea really looks like a little doll ~ this picture is remarkable, took my breath away…
    What a journey you have been on ~ you inspire me with your words, strength and inner beauty.
    Love ya 🙂

  16. Shannon (Sentimental)

    She is adorable!

  17. weirdbunny

    Oh isn;t she just so cute. So I take it that makes her sixteen now, has she seen you blog today!!

  18. jann mumford

    looking at her made me want to pull out some of my favorite photos of my little gal, now 24………they were so fun to dress up! Your daughter is a jewel……..

  19. snowsparkle

    i can only imagine how that winter in paris must have felt… but look what it produced! such an amazing cherub with those rosy cheeks. i love her expression… what she must have been thinking!

  20. Betty Carlson

    This is darling and I love your description. I was depressed in the winter of 1990-91 too, pregnant with my first Franco-american baby and in Albi! For some reason that winter was especially gloomy, even in the south! Interesting memory for you to share…

  21. jennifer

    She is a doll!
    I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult a transition it was for you.

  22. Catalina

    I know about that…I am from Venezuela……..and I NEED sun! The picture is beautiful! Chelsea is just wonderful! a beauty and her “no smile” in fun! Something like:…look what I have to endure to make my mama happy……..:)

  23. Marilyn


  24. cruststation

    Chelsea is beautiful! Love how you dressed her and the background…wow, everything look so professionally staged.

  25. Aww what a cute photo, she looks so sweet! I must confess that I’m guilty on dressing my daughter up like an angel or a doll too when she was in that age *oops*

  26. mary ann

    a vision of loveliness corey!
    🙂 mary ann

  27. LOL, you crack me up and you are just so sweet. I love this photo and your daughter was SUCH a beautiful little baby. She looks like a china doll here. Some day she will thank you for these photos.

  28. Isn’t that what mothers of little girls are ment to do??? She looks like a young madonna – waiting to eat her sweets… Precious!

  29. What a wonderful treasure for Chelsea and not just the pictures. What an imaginative mother. She is one lucky young lady.

  30. expatraveler

    such a wonderful photo! But she doesn’t look too happy to be dressed up like that. My expression would have been the same I’m sure..

  31. Josephine

    A cherub, truly the daughter of her angelic mother!

  32. How beautiful! People say my 10 month looks like a little china doll… wonder if I can find some dolly clothes that would fit her…….. 😉

  33. she looks like a Renoir cherub……….she doesn’t look like she raised her hand when you asked for volunteers:) tee hee…
    tongue in cheek responds:
    Her pouty face, she often had this look…did that stop me? I was having fun…poor little thing have to be poised on a chair!!
    lol she has forgiven me, I think!

  34. mikaelah

    what a doll!

  35. la vie en rose

    i sometimes wonder if that’s why god gave me a boy…he knew what i would do if i had a girl…

  36. MCaplan

    So cute! Every mother has pictures that will haunt us! She really does look like a doll!

  37. marybeth

    How Darling * delightful! She must cherish these pictures now, and will even more so in years to come

  38. AscenderRisesAbove

    What an adorable photo of an adorable baby; like others mentioned – a cherub. I bet she is glad you took the photos.

  39. But she looks so sad and uncomfortable…….

  40. Thank goodness for little baby saviors. And what an angel she looks.

  41. susan@artesprit

    somehow i missed this!
    awh, i am SO thankful that she saved you! children do that to us don’t they? thank goodness!!!!
    (but i am guilty too, will post one of chloe which i did a similar thing on a regular basis…)
    guilty as charged!

  42. C. Delia

    She is adorable…and, honestly, if the worst thing you ever did was dress her up and treat her as a little angelic “doll” for a Winter’s afternoon…she’ll have hardly any dirt to tell the therapist! Seriously, the picture was adorable and I think the pout makes it.

  43. What precious picture and she’s absolutely adorable!!

  44. How touching and how beautiful, both picture and writing! I lived under similar circumstance in Washington, DC with a new baby, husband travelling and no friends at all til I met my still-very-very-very-best friend Bridget. I wonder how many woman and mothers go through similar life experiences.
    Thanks for sharing yours,

  45. frenchgardenhouse

    oh my, a year later, and i found this post. I so “get” it…I used to ask my little girl:”are you SURE you have to go to school today?? Wouldn’t you rather stay home with Mommy?” I moved to Holland, in the winter. I didn’t know anyone. Depression was something I had to keep at bay all the time.
    She said NO, I have to go to school! I don’t know why God gave me her sister,7 years later, when I moved back to California, who would have ditched years of school if asked!

  46. This is beyond sweet…

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