Six Months

Today, marks six months that I have had a blog.

I have posted something every single day since I took on the dare six months ago.

Many many thanks to all of you, for your encouragment, kindness, lovely packages tied up with string, and delightful comments! I am a richer person because of your friendship!


37 responses to “Six Months”

  1. mary ann

    hooray for corey!!!!!
    it was happy day when you decided to enter the blogosphere!
    we are all benefitting from you taking a chance!!!!
    πŸ™‚ mary ann xo

  2. susan@artesprit

    hooray! and the world is a richer place because of you my dear. let me be the first to say thank you, merci, danke danke danke schΓΆen!

  3. Heather

    Six months! Wonderful! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us.

  4. Paris Parfait

    And we are all richer for knowing you and reading your imaginative posts, Corey! Felicitations, mon ami! Bonne courage pour un autre six mois!

  5. Shannon Lewis

    Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary!!
    I’m so happy I found you πŸ™‚

  6. herhimnbryn

    Merci, Corey.
    I am certainly richer for reading about yr thoughts everyday. You have helped me open my eyes a little more.

  7. many thanks to YOU for sending out so much love.

  8. The feeling is entirely mutual Corey. Don’t go anywhere soon.

  9. Congratulations my dear Corey, you’ve did very well these last 6 month and you still gain more readers every day it seems. It is always a pleasure to come here and I’m very happy to got to know you! Hugs x

  10. expatraveler

    Congrats Corey on 6 months! I would have definitely thought it was more from all of your commentors, great job! And yes I noticed the every day posts. πŸ™‚

  11. And here’s a toast to 6 more months!!! How time flies… when you are having fun!

  12. jennifer

    I don’t even remember how I discovered your blog but I’m so glad I did πŸ™‚

  13. Every day! You are ambitious and amazing. I have been blogging exactly one year and there have been a couple of weeks where I haven’t blogged anything. If keeping up that kind of pace means you might burn out then SLOW DOWN! We’s be poorer without your contribution.

  14. Has it only been 6 months? Seems like I have known you for years.
    Here is to many more months, and years of your blogdom.

  15. owlhaven

    6 months– fun!!

  16. Colette

    Thank YOU, Corey, for your lovely words and images and sharing your life with us. You are a bright spot in my day.

  17. meredith

    I am so glad you got dared.

  18. naturegirl

    I applaude you for having the energy to post EVERYDAY! I need time in between although my mind is always storing ideas and I write notes LOTS of them!! Blogging is a wonderful way of expression and making new friends and seeing the world through someones eyes..even in the comments that we read!:) Happy to have blogging buddies!

  19. Happy Blogiversary darling friend.
    Here’s to a gazillion more postings and photographs!
    I adore you and your blog!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  20. stephanie s

    congratulations ! indeed, the world is better for your daily posts. thank you corey.

  21. Marilyn

    Since I’m new to your blog, I hadn’t realized you’re still a fairly new blogger. I’d say you’ve taken to it like a duck to water. πŸ˜‰ (Isn’t it just the BEST thing? I was just thinking this weekend how much I LOVE my blogging life…how much it enriches my ‘real’ life.)

  22. HAPPY BLOGIN anniversery to you! I’m agreeing with most of the others when I say YOU have made me think in a different way! Keep it up! xo

  23. Certainly is, a richer place that is…with you here among us. Thank you for 6 months sharing your special vision. Pure act of generosity. xo- mad

  24. jinxthegypsy

    Glad you started the blog. Its a beautiful trail of love and inspiration, which i’m sure has touched many people’s lives and mine. Thank you πŸ™‚

  25. Six months very well done! I enjoy your photos and words so very much… here’s to another half-year of blogging!

  26. Such beautiful, thought full posts and wonderfully crafted photos and you’ve kept it up every day for six months. Impressed. Keep it up – I enjoy looking every evening to see what you’re saying today and have just got my sister in law interested in doing her own blog from seeing yours. Still love the tomato soup blog so much – I want it for a pin-up in my kitchen!

  27. Corey, I am so proud of you.
    Please, keep going.

  28. Adeleine

    Happy Anniversary! I’m impressed that you manage to create such beautiful updates every day.
    I love that statue.

  29. Britt Arnhild Lindland

    I have only known about your blog for a couple of weeks and I am so happy that I found it. Thanks!

  30. Wonderful! I am so glad I found you here in cycberland. xoxox

  31. jann mumford

    We are all richer having discovered your blog, which my sister discovered! Now, you should have enough material for your first book……

  32. snowsparkle

    happy hemiversary! πŸ™‚

  33. cruststation

    Congratulations on keeping with the dare, we are indeed blessed to know you and share in your daily struggles and joy. Thank you for your inspiration putting a smile on my face everytime I drop by.

  34. That is quite an accomplishment, and quite an improvement to the www with you there to encourage and enlighten! I hope you have enjoyed as much as your readers have!

  35. MCaplan

    I hope you broke out the Champagne!! That is a very noble accomplishment! Six months of pure poetry and beautiful pictures! Thank goodness you took the dare!

  36. marybeth

    Dear Corey,
    Upon finding you I thought you must be a writer -poet-author of some kind!
    Your daily writing is such a gift and i look forward to finding your page
    Thank you

  37. I love your blog and am in awe as to how much you can fit into 6 months.
    cheers, LJ

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