Soon my tea au soya lait will be chai latte. Cocoa puffs, yes cocoa puffs, instead of baguettes with confiture de cerises! The chocolate crunch of childhood dreams!
English words will storm my head, I will be dizzy and full. The silence space in my mind will be bombarded like the Bastille! Understanding, without breakers to ease the flood.
Within a few short weeks we will be going on Summer holidays to Willows California…my blog will endure a culture shock. Cows, rice fields, chickens, will replace Louis sixteenth and his other Louis friends.
Big bear hugs, instead of two quick kisses on the cheeks. Milkshakes in the middle of the day, lifelong conversations while standing at the checkout counter, lovely time spent in the lazy afternoons with my family within reach!
You are coming along aren’t you?
A photo I took last summer, with my Father and Chelsea, on our annual road trip along the Norhtern Californian coastline.
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