Just to let you Know


Soon my tea au soya lait will be chai latte. Cocoa puffs, yes cocoa puffs, instead of baguettes with confiture de cerises! The chocolate crunch of childhood dreams!

English words will storm my head, I will be dizzy and full. The silence space in my mind will be bombarded like the Bastille! Understanding, without breakers to ease the flood.

Within a few short weeks we will be going on Summer holidays to Willows California…my blog will endure a culture shock. Cows, rice fields, chickens, will replace Louis sixteenth and his other Louis friends.

Big bear hugs, instead of two quick kisses on the cheeks. Milkshakes in the middle of the day, lifelong conversations while standing at the checkout counter, lovely time spent in the lazy afternoons with my family within reach!

You are coming along aren’t you?

A photo I took last summer, with my Father and Chelsea, on our annual road trip along the Norhtern Californian coastline.


67 responses to “Just to let you Know”

  1. marybeth

    Oh Corey,
    How far is Willows from Palm Springs??
    I would Love to meet you
    do let me know!
    MB in JT

  2. Catalina

    Oh! Thank you for taking us there! I am sure I will love it! I have been in California and it is just great, but I haven’been jet in Willows, soooooooooo it is perfect!

  3. Britt-Arnhild

    Charming photo. It looks like it could be somewhere in Norway ๐Ÿ™‚ We are going to our seaside7country cabin on Friday and stay for four days, and will then hike in nature very much like this.

  4. Corey,
    I can’t wait to get to California. With your camera and your charming words it will be better than ever I am sure. Hope you have a very safe trip.
    Take care,

  5. I am coming along and I cant wait !!!

  6. Oh lucky Corey going home must be wonderful for you! Sure I’m coming along, can’t wait!

  7. Shannon Lewis

    I KNEW this would be about you going to California…I thought “Yep, it’s about that time”.
    I look forward to experiencing culture shock ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. It sounds wonderful – enjoy yourself! I hope you take lots of photos so that we can be with you in spirit ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Of course I will be right there with you…………..
    “A person needs at intervals to separate from family and companions and go to new places. One must go without familiars in order to be open to influences, to change.”
    Katherine Butler Hathaway
    Love you Sugar Plum
    You are a diamond in my life and a jewel in my heart!

  10. ooooh coming home! I can’t wait to see how you do Cali! Cookooo for cocoa puffs? ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

  11. susan@artesprit

    ahhhh and a quikie layover in Boston? How lovely you will be with your family soon… I will enjoy seeing your other coast here as well!

  12. La Fรฉe Coriandre – Sofia

    wish I could Corey, that sounds lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. blackbird

    I’m packing my bags…

  14. meredith

    Oh, the bear hugs, I can’t wait for some of those!

  15. endment

    I know Willows well – spent twenty years living in the Sacramento Valley – Oh – won’t it be nice and HOT! :+)
    Have a lovely time – will be watching for reports.

  16. carolg@pb

    California here you come!
    We will follow you of course Corey ๐Ÿ™‚
    I will be back at my sweet ‘puter & out of the cyber cafรฉ by Friday ๐Ÿ™‚
    Lots of things are brewing & nothing is certain YET…
    but Aix looks less & less possible ๐Ÿ™
    Il faut que je clean my rue Vavin borrowed appartment on jeudi malheuresemente! ๐Ÿ™
    Talk to you ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. mary ann

    happy & safe journey to the place where you hail…bon voyage & look forward to your posts from there!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann xo

  18. this photo could have been taken at my house. We live in 100 year old home with 5 old delapidated outbuildings.
    Have a wonderful trip.
    Have a beautiful day.

  19. Coming along? I suspect I will be carried along!

  20. Thank goodness they have computers in California or I would be lost without you.

  21. I know of a couple of bloggers who can’t wait for you to land on California soil!!! Our smiles, hugs, treats and flea markets are waiting for you! Culture shock Indeed…

  22. jennifer

    Culture shock – cool!

  23. Coming? Absolutment! Name the time and place and I’ll be there. Annie

  24. shelley


  25. C. Delia

    I wouldn’t miss it–in fact, I cannot wait to see life in another place I have never been!

  26. Ahh, having just returned from spending time at the lake with my family, I wish you well… many big american bear hugs to you!

  27. You find beauty wherever you are. Lovely photo.
    “English words will storm my head..” That brought back the memory of how overcome I was with all the background conversations and signage when I returned from a year in Italy. In Italy it was all background music and graphics because I didn’t understand Italian well. But back around my native tongue my senses picked up the content of all I heard and saw and it was overwhelming for a while.
    Have a wonderful trip!

  28. vicci_ann

    Corey….I can’t wait until you get here to Northern California!!!! Will be checking every day!!!! YIPPEE!!!!

  29. hmmmm…Corey, Crazy for Coco Puffs? I bet the bowl will still be lovely and the composition divine. We look forward to welcoming you back to this side of the pond!

  30. expatraveler

    Oh oh…Sounds so wonderful Corey! I’d like to come along literally but they tell me it’s not so good to travel to the US (immigration hickup). Oh well…

  31. Paris Parfait

    I look forward to reading/hearing about the American phase of your experiences/adventures. I know you’ll enjoy every moment!

  32. Rebekah

    Can’t wait to come along – wherever your journeys lead. What a lovely time you will have!

  33. Josephine

    Yes! Oh, if only I could get to California to see you there!! Yippee, Corey in America makes it a better place!!!

  34. Woohoo! Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  35. ally bean

    what a lovely juxaposition you have going on. it seems so balanced and flowing to go from one place you love to another place that you love. makes me think of a silk scarf that can be tied in different ways– and always looks great.

  36. Oh my… a trip down Memory Lane! My grandparents and aunt lived in Willows back in the 1980’s and we visited them often there… till my grandfather passed away in their lovely old farmhouse in the countryside. Have a wonderful and safe trip! … Debra

  37. Brother Mathew

    I know that spot. I’ll bet Orama a box of coco puffs or Sugar Puffs (I’ll never call them Corn Puffs) that he doesn’t know the loction of that barn. See you soon.

  38. robinfox pampered in paris

    Corey, i hope you are ready for the vacation,enjoy!! be safe and sound ,robin

  39. weirdbunny

    Have a brilliant time, I’ve never been to Californina so have a milkshake for me.

  40. snowsparkle

    i can’t wait! i will feel right at home with your images from willows. the tall grasses, the weathered barn, the grand oak trees…. ah, my heart is leaping at these thoughts! and i do hope we can meet… it looks like your “dance card” will be very full during your visit home in california.

  41. Adeleine

    I live on chai lattes.
    I will miss your French musings, but hope you have a wonderful time in California.

  42. wouldn’t miss it! I love the contrasts you make. It tells a whole lot about us doesn’t it?

  43. Enjoy your holiday here in the states.. bring lots of cool clothing as its already hot here. Will enjoy traveling thru your photos and posts.

  44. Have a wonderful time Corey!cant wait to hear of your adventures!

  45. Pumpkin

    Have a wonderful trip. And, I would love to come along!
    I can’t wait to see your pictures and read about your experiences going back “home”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. stephanie s

    heck yeah i’m coming…!

  47. la vie en rose

    ahhhh…and won’t it be good to get a good dose of home…

  48. judypatooote

    Wow, big trip, have a great time, and I love chia latte’s….I’m sure you will have great pictures to share when you get home…..have fun, and be safe……judy

  49. jann mumford

    As they say in California, “happy trails to you……..”

  50. I am crying ~ tears of joy for you my dear.
    There’s something about going home….

  51. That’s excitting. When I saw your picture I thought, “now that looks like here in the States”. How delightful to be around your family for a spell.


    ha! you know I KNOW Willows ! I lived there briefly and that is how I met you ! when I saw the address to the site “Willows” I shook my head in amazement. It is only about as big as a four way stop !!
    I can’t wait to see it on the blog ! Maybe you will find my old pal (your cousin?) Lisa Ceccon too !
    Remember , she is computer phobic ! maybe you can get her thru that .
    Love to you ! – S.

  53. Take me with you!

  54. mikaelah

    oh yes… I will come along! Wouldn’t it be fun if we all showed up at the place when you arrived??? !!!! We’d just say … but Corey invited us! ;0

  55. Willow Grace

    …and I’d love to holiday in France! Mais no…not this year. No complaints though! I love this wonderfully diverse state!! Welcome back!

  56. ~jolene

    If you should travel to the Southern end of California, keep in mind that you have a friend you’ve yet to meet in the seaside village of Corona del Mar!
    Wishing you a safe and joyous journey.

  57. MCaplan

    California will be so much brighter with you here!!! It will be comfoting knowing you are so close!!

  58. mary jane

    Have a safe trip and gather up all the bear hugs you can for your trip back to France….

  59. cruststation

    Can’t wait to share more of your adventures back home.

  60. Sarah Scott

    Your Cocoa Puffs sounds much more fun than my multi grain cereal! Have a wonderful trip!!!

  61. Oh Corey, have a glorious time of refreshment and renewal, connection and caring, visiting and valuing your heritage!
    Blessings on your time with family and friends!
    Be safe, spoiled and satisfied!
    Joanne in Ontario

  62. wishes&Heros

    I will came ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. Oh, Corey, ‘wooden barns hold my dreams’ as well…I’ll definitely come along!!!!
    There are many days that I don’t know what I’d do without receiving blessings from my visits with you….

  64. jinxthegypsy

    Hi Corey, California sounds great. Hope you have a memorable holiday and looking forward to your posts from california ๐Ÿ™‚

  65. How exciting! I was born and raised in California, moved here to Seattle in 1999. I guess no matter where we are, we will always be there really, right? I’ll be there : )

  66. Betty C.

    I thought “What’s that barn doing here, it looks like my great-grandparents’ old barn in the USA!” I was right! Have a great trip…

  67. Marilyn

    Oooh, can’t wait to read your posts when hit this general neck o’ the woods! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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