Month: June 2006
Love Letter
What are the letters you write to yourself? Do you have endless pages going on in your head, of words you should erase? Are you writing your own script?…
Filtered Light
The light comes through the tin cut panel door of the pie safe. The small cut outs that have been made in a pattern, the tiny holes that let out the…
Planted and Uprooted
The chair was planted with a few words thrown in after a long day, even if the day had been short, the words would have poured out. As if my mouth…
Standing where I Stand
Living in France is not like living in the USA. It just ain’t the same. Wine is replaced for beer. They wear jeans and make them look like a little black dress, they have savoir-faire when it comes to such…
Love Triangle
The flirting dog was giving his best song and stand routine. It split her into, how her boy blue fell for it each time. Her Mother was right, "Never date a boy who wears his shirt unbutton!" Without too much…
Sing Song
The song of the seashell and the breaking wave, the song the moonbeam makes upon the silent sky, the song of flip flops as they walk on sand, the…