The Child Leads the Way


The steps to happiness, the path we try to find, that which sets our days aglow…is finding contentment in where and who we are.

Seeing the path. Trusting each of our steps leads somewhere. Leaping forward, while remembering the past. Walking towards this moment-this eternity with confidence. Do you believe everything has a reason? How do you walk on your path? Do you hold on to someones hand?


Taking the steps, one at a time, in the here and now, being present to the moment and looking forward to tomorrow.

photo: My eight month old niece’s feeties. Have you ever tried to take a picture of baby feet? Word of advice, take it while they are sleeping.


62 responses to “The Child Leads the Way”

  1. Everything happens for a reason and I walk on my path with faith and joy. I will always hold an extended hand, mainly my Dave’s hand. Hope you are having fun!
    The pudgy ankles and painted toes are priceless ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. excellent job, Corey! what adorable baby feet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. amy rue

    Those are the cutest little roly poly feet with glam pink nails ever!

  4. Oh my gosh! Those are sooo adorable!! Great post. May be one of my all time favs from you, actually. Not only for the God-love-’em tootsies, but for the words.
    We are all just babies walking this path. And I do hold on to a hand… I can’t see it, but I can feel it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. yup… I hold onto hands and they hold onto me.. good post… for a stressful day… going to get re-focused !! Love the pink nail polished baby toes !

  6. Heather

    each path is so unique isn’t it? these little feeties are adorable and I am sure they will take her far!

  7. Colette

    So so adorable. I want to give her squishy hugs and kisses and squeal with delight.
    Oh thank you for these photos!

  8. snowsparkle

    i remember my mom pretending to nibble my little sister’s toes and my little sister giggling with delight… this also brought back memories of my sister’s rapt attention as my mom wiggled each toe and recited:
    this little piggy went to market
    this little piggy stayed home
    this little piggy had roast beef
    this little piggy had none
    this little piggy went wee wee wee
    all the way home!

  9. deirdre

    Oh, baby feet! I love the way your pictures and writing connect. Good questions, ones that speak to my soul today.

  10. Franca Bollo

    It’s Baby Cake! That name makes me think of the fish you left behind for Frenchhusband — Baby Tooth and Sweet Lips. Regarding your posts from Willows, I’ll quote you from an e-mail sent to me, “Je like ’em!” Molly by golly! Hope to see you soon.

  11. josephine

    These feet look scrumptious!

  12. Paris Parfait

    Those chubby little baby’s feet are too precious! And your post is lovely – similar vein to our One Deep Breath theme of “Pathways.” Beautiful, Corey!

  13. Kristen Robinson

    How adorbale. It is so amazing to look at a little one’s feet and think of all of the places they will go.
    I love the painted toes tooo cute!

  14. Gorgeous chubby baby feet, makes me nostalgic already.

  15. arttealife/onecrabapple

    I do believe everything has it’s reason…
    I walk alone.
    Sometimes I look for a hand.
    Sometimes, I skip down the path wearing bright pink polish that has tiny flowers painted on.
    And sometimes … I wear flip flops.

  16. Shannon (Sentimental)

    Adorable little peteys at we call them. I just took a similiar picture of my sweet DD’s the other day. Beautiful!

  17. Step by step, by the way,
    Our beautiful yard stairs,
    Is now finished today,
    Et en plus, ca me plait!
    Ouais !!!

  18. Oh those precious little toes melt my heart away………….
    Love to love and you will love to live!
    Happiness we must make our own in this life!
    Love you Sugar Plum!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  19. la vie en rose

    love those chubby legs and chubby toes. delicious!

  20. susanna’s sketchbook

    Aaaw…such pretty lil’ feet! Like her pink toes, too! Sometimes I’m confident to walk on my own and other times, I’m thankful to hold on to someone’s hand.

  21. Shannon L

    Oh. My. God. How adorably, deliciously cute!! You can’t beat chubby baby feet with pink polish.

  22. mikaelah

    i bet the toes were also painted while sleeping! adorable!

  23. Oh my goodness those feet are so cute and yummy. Did her auntie piant her toes?
    So sweet.

  24. naturegirl

    Corey the baby feet are adorable!! I thought I was the only one who takes photos of baby feet! The steps I choose are always to walk forward NEVER to look back..just like a frog!! I cannot change the past but oh I certainly can the future!! One step at a time daily.

  25. judypatooote

    They are the cutest little feet, all done up with polish…..and what your wrote is beautiful…..

  26. Rebekah

    Great thoughts, Corey; great questions to ponder. And these little rolly feet have made me laugh outloud. Thank you!!

  27. endment

    Now you just need to add a haiku and you will have a perfect post for One Deep Breath ๐Ÿ™‚
    The photos are adorible!

  28. Katrina

    Oh, wow! Those little fat feet are so precious! What wonderful pictures!

  29. wonderful shot. Walking with baby steps toward eternity.. love it! Hope your time away is nourishing your spirit!

  30. AnnieElf

    Adorable chubby little feet and pretty pink toenails. She’s a style maven already.

  31. What precious chubby little feet! I hope her feet find all the right steps that lead to happiness!

  32. I walk one step at a time with the knowledge and peace that my sovereign God has ordered my steps..and I can trust Him….no matter what.
    Those chub-o-rama feet!!!! So cute! Adorable photo! Worth the work!

  33. stephanie s

    oh, you can tell that little chubster is loved from head to toe….beautiful.

  34. baby steps.. thank you for reminding me that my feet are still growing, and not to expect so much of myself.

  35. jennifer

    those are some seriously cute “piggies”

  36. Love those toes!

  37. meredith

    I’d follow those “petons” anywhere! C’est trop mignon. You should submit this photo in some kind of contest, it is really excellent.
    And yes, I do believe that everything has a reason.

  38. herhimnbryn

    Sometimes I stride confidently, sometimes I stumble and when I do I know The Bear is always there, with a hand for me to hang on to.

  39. susan@artstream

    how absolutely amazingly cutie and chubby this photo is. not to mention truly painted perfectly! darling! i hold my children’s hands and they hold mine, the other hand we hold with my husband and he ours. it is a circle!
    love and hugs, susan
    p.s. got your email. ….. NO worries dear! enjoy!

  40. cruststation

    Love the cute feet and painted toes wow!! Trusting that our paths will lead somewhere, learning from the past and moving forward with confidence. Not always easy but it’s sure a fun adventure to walk it.

  41. Awww what cute little fat legs and ickle feet and even with nail colors on them. Gorgeous! Give your niece a kiss from the German woman please!

  42. Catalina

    Painted toes!!!! I love them, she really will love these pictures later……:)
    ummmmmmmm…….I guess I have to try and paint mine….

  43. ally bean

    what amy rue said. definitely the smile of my day.

  44. Tongue in Cheek

    My niece is a butterball; she has rolls on rolls of sweetness and charm! Her mother,(my sister in law) was holding her hands, those little piggies, those chubby feet, would not stay still for a blink of an eye! I must have taken eighty shots to have three that weren’t a complete blur! Thank you for loving her tootsies!

  45. lindaharre

    OMG I am in love:) is there anything as cute as baby feet????? I don’t think so……….

  46. These sweet little “twinkle toes” baby feet and post made my day Corey! Nothing cuter and more endearing than little feet setting off to explore the world.

  47. simple me

    Absolutely adore babies feet. So cute!
    Paula ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. expatraveler

    ok – those are so adorable especially with the nail polish! I think I’m not alone either. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. weirdbunny

    just look at those little painted nails!

  50. weirdbunny

    just look at those little painted nails!

  51. marybeth

    Oh Corey! ~ how adorable are those boochzy booczee legs and toes!
    Perfect pictures!
    and AMEN to being Content in this moment what ever and where ever it may be

  52. what delightly little feet, painting toenails and little pink rolls. i’m amazed you got these pictures – we try everytime my 14 month old granddaughter visits, her little legs and feet seem to be always going, even when her body remains stationary ๐Ÿ™‚ pondering the path is something i think about a lot. in a waking vision after my mother died, i saw myself now at the very front of the maternal line, walking the path before my daughters and granddaughter – a potent experience but a reality now. i have trust in the path, i feel safe on it, but also apprehensive and often times sorrowful as well as joyful and grateful. thank you, your words gave my path a little twist first thing this morning that is ever so delightful !!

  53. Totally precious, and red-nails too!

  54. mary ann

    precious piggies!
    need to seriously catch up with all your amazing posts…
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  55. jinxthegypsy

    Very cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. AscenderRisesAbove

    Check out those chubby toe piggies… too cute

  57. How did I miss these sweet and precious little baby feet?! When my grandson was an infant I took so many photos of his little hands, tiny fingers grasping or sweetly curled in sleep. These perfect little baby feet are truly miraculous!

  58. Adorable!

  59. Ouissi Gresty

    These are completely adorable…I feel broodiness coming on!
    Ouissi x

  60. turquoisecro

    How SWEET!!! Sooooo Adorable and darling! The nail polish is like the icing on the cake! LOL

  61. What delicious little feet…and so stylish at her tender age:> I do believe everything happens as it should, so there must be a reason. Whatever happens, even if it’s counter to our expectations, leads us along on a unique path. There are so many variables…so many paths…so many parallel lives! There’s beauty in accepting that things just work out. Having a hand to hold along the way makes it even better:>

  62. Perfect rose-bud lips!! My Mom-in-law called our darling daughter’s lips “rose-bud lips”. While we lost our angel when she was 2 y.o. everytime I see a rose bud I see those sweet lips. Our babies do lead our path in so many ways!! Thank you, Corey, for the memory this morning.

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