Are you Open or?


Words, the small sound that comes from our mouth that can trigger an array of emotion, the written word with its power to tell us a story, some words we want to hear, long to live, and other words we run from and plug our ears.

Where do we hear the miracle? Where do we listen to love? How does kindness spell its name in you? Does your name speak love to others? Are you a word of hope?

I am,

you are,

one in the same.

Open and closed,

strong and weak..

Our hearts beat in

the same language,

why do we hear it


photo: A handwritten sign on the door of a shop in San Francisco, I had hoped to go in, but found it closed.

Poetry Thursday


29 responses to “Are you Open or?”

  1. Words have so much power in our lives. From the time we learn to talk we even start thinking in words. Can you imagine what it’s like to be a baby and think in nothing but images?? Try it sometime…it’s not as easy as it sounds!
    Wonderful post, Corey!

  2. meredith

    Sometimes I am very closed.

  3. Paris Parfait

    As someone who’s made her living with words – and loved words since the moment I could read – this poem – and your post – strike a fortissimo chord. Lovely!

  4. Sometimes I am very open.
    Sometimes very closed.
    But I always try to be kind. And compassionate. And generous.
    My love – he tells me I am all those things and more. He encourages me to be absolutely the best me I can be. Yes, I listened to love and when we both hear things the same, all is right in the world.
    Whisper to my heart, my love, for yours is the only voice I hear.
    Have a beautiful day.

  5. Yes, and the meanings of words are tied up with their opposite meanings, aren’t they? I mean, how can we understand open if we have no concept of closed? Beautiful sign 🙂

  6. Shannon L

    I once thought that an opportunity was closed, but recently discovered how open it was afterall.

  7. I love your Poetry Thursday contribution. It challenges each of us to try to become “a word of hope” for ourselves and others. Thank you!

  8. In the beginning was the WORD…

  9. Rebekah

    Such reality. Wonderful poem, thought-inspiring words!

  10. that was so lovely on so many levels. Thank you for sharing this – and I was reading some of your earlier posts and am glad thatI have started reading blogs again. You inspire me deeply – thank you!!!

  11. Oh I had to laugh when I saw the closed sign on your blog… I drove to Susan’s
    Airstream Art Studio… and there was a closed sign…turns out they were open… but it made my heart jump !!!

  12. Wonderful message Corey. I was just thinking today how easy it is to be kind and how labor intensive to mean, closed, and unkind. To put up blocks all the time must be a tremendous effort (and no fun at all)!

  13. Another post of thoughtful words… I like it!

  14. snowsparkle

    “hearing it differently”… i like this thought…. it reminds me of the book i’m reading: “a history of god” telling about how the isrealites experienced god in such profound ways in their daily life that they felt words were inadequate to record it. they believed that god adapted himself to each person “according to the comprehension of each”. marvelous concept, wonderful post!

  15. I like to think I am open and positive and spread only love and kindness. It is what I expect of anyone in my life,
    so I like to spread sugar and sweetness all over the land.
    Like I always say
    Love and hate are both four letter words.
    Be careful of which one you spread.
    Love is all you need!
    Love you Sugar Plum!

  16. madeleine

    I really loved reading this.
    Why indeed?
    I try to be ‘open’ most of the time. I’m sure that I fail sometimes,too.
    Lovely, lovey poem and photo.
    Hope all is well in San Fran for you. 🙂

  17. This is such a hopeful post, as I read it. Thanks, Corey, for the reminder that we have choices with each other.

  18. marybeth

    to your poem!!!!
    Do tell me you will get published soon.

  19. Catalina

    Love it!

  20. We hear what we want to hear. And what we say is heard how the hearer wants to hear it, no matter how pure our heart when we said it.

  21. Why indeed? Simple words that can pack a punch! Well done 🙂

  22. expatraveler

    This is funny because about a week or two ago I went into an opened store and told the lady her sign said closed. I asked her if she was open…
    And yes I was kind enough to turn it around for her. 🙂

  23. Another compelling and touching post dear Corey! In order to be open I have to watch the closed sign on the door for a while.

  24. judypatooote

    I to went to a store this week with my friend and when we got there it said Closed… we sat in the car because we figured it should open in 10 minutes…we saw another couple walk in, so we decided to walk in…..they opened a half hour before but never changed there sign…so my friend helped them out and changed the sign to OPEN. Of course the open and closed sign was nothing as fancy as your closed sign….

  25. jennifer

    Thanks once again for the invitation to look inside a little deeper…

  26. susan@artstream

    open. minded, hearted and spirited.

  27. wilsonian

    Oh my goodness, this has cracked me right open.
    The right words on the right day… encouragement on the path to be more open, more often.
    Thank you.

  28. mary ann

    touching post, thank you for sharing…

  29. Marilyn

    That needs to be our world-wide motto: Our hearts beat in the same language. Beautiful.

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