Blue Ocean

Have you ever been to a place in yourself that seems like an endless path, where you vaguely remember where it started, unsure where it will end?

Looking up and seeing the vast horizon, wondering what will stir up from the dust bowl,
knowing that the river runs deep, even if your toes cannot find a spot to dip in,
reaching into the empty pocket, and not finding a map?

The current sands shift, the fullness of the moon is to blame, the stray dog looks at you like your something to eat, and nothing goes right even though you are on the right track?

Days like this happen, the seasons happen, the stillness happens…
and that is a worthy song to sing, even if the melody haunts you. There is a rare grace given when we look darkness square in the eye, it is a grace once obtain that isn’t lost easily!

photo: Last year in Fort Bragg California with my Dad and Chelsea.


8 responses to “Blue Ocean”

  1. susanna

    Did we have the same day yesterday? ;p

  2. Hmmm…interesting post. I had a day last week were, though my path seemed straight forward, I couldn’t find a rhythm to the day. I was “out of sync.” Everything I said seemed inappropriate, and I wasn’t connecting with people at all. Those are the days when you slink off alone with a book or a sketchpad and do your best to remove yourself from potential social distaster.
    Yep…I know exactly what you mean. =)
    (I love the photo…it reminds me of the California trips we took every year or so while I was growing up. They are some of my best family memories.)

  3. Josephine

    I’ve been having that day for over a year now!
    I like your thoughts here on grace learned when looking into the face of your darkness.
    That’s a beautiful and rescuing thought.

  4. Those who have walked in darkness have seen a great light.
    Embracing my bliss with out cherubs visiting from Asia!
    Love you Sugarplum!
    Love Jeanne

  5. AnnieElf

    Hi Corey. I’ve been absent for a few days but now I’m back. This picture is just the perfect beach. Not a person in sight.
    This is how I feel about my job – shifting currents and shifting sand. Not on track. Doing two jobs at once and worried and fretful over things outside in my world beyond the job.

  6. Shannon L

    I’m looking darkness square in the eye and I’m wondering where it will take me.

  7. oh those words of yours they just tumble out in the most perfect way!

  8. mary ann

    nice post corey…like the quiet solitude the image evokes.
    take care, will be out of town for a week (means sadly, no blogging for me…but i will cope…{smile}…)
    mary ann xo

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