The New Dance Step

Photo: The shirt off my brother’s back.


10 responses to “The New Dance Step”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    My steps will go through 🙂

  2. susan@artstream

    yes and please! keep the line moving… tee hee. cute shirt!

  3. sometimes, Corey – I feel like I am out of step! or is that out of sync? but I am back – with a new blog 🙂
    stay cool sweet one xox

  4. Put your best foot forward.
    Love you!
    A shoe in for another lovely post.
    Love the shirt!
    I miss you!
    Love Jeanne

  5. swampgrrl

    oooh, i like this T-shit.
    it is about getting involved, or
    just looking from the side-lines.
    or it could be the red wine from Australia in my hand….

  6. Give it your all! whatever it takes! xoxoxo

  7. herhimnbryn

    Just don’t step on!

  8. This reminds me of a saying, “you can’t go over it, under it, or around it, you have to go through it.”

  9. AnnieElf

    Yep, that about says it ALL.

  10. Yay!!

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