Month: August 2006
Daily Steps of Growth
Be in the shoes that lead you to dance with your life. Wear them worn true if they dance your tune, but if they don’t…
We arrived safe, sound, and somewhat sleepy
Are those Americans back in town? Yes, I saw them unload a ton of suitcases from their car, though I have yet to smell les cookies American (chocolate chip cookies.) Really? Well I thought I heard them splashing in their…
Returning to France
Our bags are stuffed. Today we leave California for France. Home to home. Tears in our eyes. Hearts carrying more than our 50 pound limit. Bittersweet goodbyes, cracking the surfaces and flooding the damns. Baseball, and baguettes we hold smiling,…
Simple Necessities
My Grandmother Frances, came to America from the Azores. Her trunk was filled with simple necessities; a linen towel, a few chemises, a hair brush, a dress in cotton and one in wool, probably an apron, certainly a rosary, and…
Summer Fun
The safest place is in the middle, I am here, do I look like I am having fun? Have you ever done anything that scares you? White water rafting was one of mine. I was terrified most of the way.…
Hanging out the Clean Laundry
In the midst of the sunflowers, the clothespins wait to hold the garments that have aided my children’s memories under this blue sky. Many a tale they have heard…