This blogging community has again revealed itself as a place where we can go straight to the heart, share ourselves without make-up, designer clothes, or any of the other society wraps that usual tag us before a word comes out of our mouths. The blog allows us to read feelings, thoughts and ideas that often are not shared on a day to day base. The blogging community has many amazing avenues, like veins of life giving blood for the soul. It shows the interior life first; going from the inside-out of a person, enabling us to see the creative pulse of the spiritual being verses the exterior shell that protects it.
….and when I am fortunate to meet one of you, it seems like I have known you forever! The connection, soul to soul, made evident by our embrace and laughter. The voice of the person echos in my ears and floods me with a certainty that the Internet is a spiritual reality that transcends the physical world.
You are special and your story is worthy to tell, share yourself you have everything to gain!
Amber is a believing soul, and a rare gem!
Photo: A vintage page from a French art book, I took a photo of it since I haven’t a scanner!
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