What is Wrong with this Picture!

My camera is my studio, my third eye, it is my experiment lab, a source of creative joy, it is my learning curve and growth chart, it was my right arm, my Canon A80 snapped its last and let go of my hand!

When I went to the store to buy another one, it seemed odd, I didn’t want a new one, I liked my Canon A80, we were good friends I knew how to use it! I felt like I was cheating on a friend! The salesperson told me that I am ready to tackle a professional camera…I think it would tackle me instead; I do not know how to put on a lens, let alone understand the terminology of such an amazing tool! Therefore, if you took my old camera (before it died of course,) and mated it with a professional camera, you would create my new baby…lights, camera, action…Welcome Canon Powershot S2 IS!

(Photo: When the ole camera bit the dust, the paper-doll fainted! During the next few days I will be posting photos I have on stock, until I can master this new camera. Wish me luck!)


28 responses to “What is Wrong with this Picture!”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    Did you try to Google the Canon A80? You could find it on eBay too…I have the Canon A510, an updated version of their HOT HOT HOT A75, which has to be a relative of yours. Did you know Canon gives you 24/7 FREE customer care. All you need is the serial #
    You can ask silly questions and they are very attentive.
    Or you can call moi
    I’m 24/7 for Mm.Corey too 🙂

  2. ParisBreakfasts

    Oh my..I just took a look at this Canon Powershot S2 IS :O I think you better call CANON on this one. Too advanced for ‘lil ole moi!

  3. I too am sentimental about things that I love………..
    Every picture tells a story.
    I love you.
    Keep snapping away and writing your creative beauty!
    It moves me more than you will ever know!
    Love and kisses
    Sugar Plum
    Ciao Bella!

  4. jann mumford

    Sometimes I think we need to have a masters degree or higher to understand all the opportunities we have with these hi-tech cameras! I continually am researching and carry my manuel with me always….have fun!

  5. ally bean

    new machines always unnerve me at first. and then all of a sudden *poof* all is well.
    condolences on your loss. and best wishes on your new relationship.

  6. Oh—I loved your camera!!and I know you loved your camera. You’ll master this new one –just keep the instruction book nearby!

  7. Oh my gosh, I hate dealing with new ‘machines’ of any sort! To say that I am technologically challenged would be putting it mildly. Sending lots of good vibes to you and your new camera freind.

  8. corey – i still have to hand my cell phone to a daughter to program a number for me.
    And the digital camera is still being mastered. I did figure out the sports mode for the last week – yeah me. Good luck. I am so looking ofrward to the new stuff you come up with.
    Have a beautiful day.

  9. Paris Parfait

    Oh I hate it when a much-used and loved bit of technology bites the dust (i.e. last month, my computer). It’s always a trying period getting used to the new one. But I’m sure you’ll master the tricks and be astonishing us all with your photography skills in no time! xo

  10. Good thing you found one for all the memories you and your family will be making in Oregon! If all else fails ask one of your neices or nephews, I am sure they would love to help you.

  11. I moved up to a bigger, better camera. While it takes great photos, there is a learning curve and I really do miss my little reliable Sony. It was so easy and the photos had such vibrant color. I have alot more bells and whistles now but I don’t know how to use them except for basic photos.

  12. Hello from New York!!
    Good luck with your new camera. You take incredible pictures to begin with, so have fun learning about your new friend 🙂
    Email me if you’d like. I’m staying indoors today as it will be over 100 degrees outside.

  13. I’m so sorry about the old camera, but delighted to hear you have a new toy. Your pictures are always great, your eye for detail is wonderful.

  14. The paper doll fainted. LOL!
    I think you will like your Powershot. We had one,(it got swiped). I really liked it even better than the one we have now.

  15. Kristen Robinson

    I wish you success with your new camera. I can’t wait to see what beauty you create with it!
    My Best-

  16. stephanie s

    i look forward to the day when you master the new camera – i am sure your photos will be just as spectacular!!! good luck and remember, learning new things keeps your brain young…

  17. I feel your pain but oh the great adventure of it all.

  18. la vie en rose

    i used to have a powershot and i loved mine…it always stinks (not to mention how costly it is) when a camera dies…

  19. I don’t know about the picture, but I’m feeling a little sideways.
    Good luck on your new camera!

  20. you’re pictures are always beautiful – they brighten my day. i’m sure you’ll master the new camera soon!

  21. can’t wait to see what you do with your new shutterbox!!!

  22. Art Tea Life

    oh you’re so cute !
    The Paper Doll fainted !
    I know you will be challenged and come out sparkling.
    I can’t wait to see the new camera shots !
    Love to you, S.

  23. lindaharre

    I love to read your blog…..every word so carefully chosen! Your wit always puts a smile on my face! I am so glad you are here and I get to share in your journey! Thank you, Linda

  24. I am sure that you will soon get to grips with your new gadget. I’m glad to see that you used the old one until it stopped working, rather than succumbing to marketing and advertising.

  25. Oh I know what you mean Corey, I have this problem ahaed of me because my beloved Olympus C740 fell down the stairs and the casing is damaged, it’s amazing that it still works, what quality! But oh well I will need a new camera sooner or later too. Anyway I wish you luck of course and I’m quite sure that you will master it!

  26. Oh COREY—we have twin cameras!!!
    You will have to share your new discoveries and hints and tricks with me!
    Did you know your screen revolves so you can shoot holding the camera at yourself or a group picture and be in it. IT is also great for around corners =)
    THis will be fun.

  27. corey,
    this was so cute & amusing!
    🙂 mary ann xo

  28. The sense of wonder that you bring to your blog and photos will carry you through the learning phase. You will have more tools to express yourself!

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