Loving is the Way


I have a choice to be my best self in any given moment or take an easy road of ignorant unawareness, claiming darkness to shows me a multitude of masks to cover my faults. My selfishness can bloom as fast as any weed. The path to loving kindness is in each step, it is not an easy walk for me.

Within each of us their is a sacred garden of goodness, It is in constant bloom, with longing to be gathered and given…. This garden can rest behind a wall, we can hide in the overgrowth, refuse to cultivate, and claim we have nothing to offer except a few bitter herbs and a dried rose or two. The choice is ours, to give of our heart or hide.

Love is bountiful, when shared. I want to walk on the path that leads to it. If you hold my hand I might not falter.

Photo: A French antique sconce which has a crystal flower supported by a circle of iron on it.


30 responses to “Loving is the Way”

  1. herhimnbryn

    Sometimes we need to falter, to take stock, breath deeply and open our eyes to what can be.
    Then we can take the next ‘first’ step.
    Your hand is held Corey. From here I have long, long arms!

  2. Working on the best self I can be is my goal for each day. Some days end and I am not very happy with the result but that means I will just try all the harder tomorrow.
    I need your hand too! Together we will be fine.
    Take care,

  3. Mrs. Staggs

    Be gentle with yourself Corey.We’re all here to walk a path. Sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes a little bumpy. You are loved by many and that love will reach out to you if you stumble and catch you if you fall.

  4. Hand outstretched.

  5. me too… me too !!!

  6. Shannon Lewis

    I’ve cleared the weeds from my garden so that the sun can shine on it again.
    Lots of things blooming in my garden now 🙂

  7. I’ll join in the circle of hands I see forming.
    I love the contrast of crystal to iron on the sconce.
    Have a beautiful day.

  8. ahhhh girlie! you surely have a way about you;o)you’ve said exactly the way I feel. I love the symbol of the crystal flower being supported by iron…good friends are like iron, with them anything is possible. I’ll hold your hand anytime;o) & Thanks for taking the time to wrap me up in IRON! xo

  9. susan@artstream

    hand holding makes one strong.
    lovely post corey!

  10. josephine

    Did you know that often, I feel you holding my hand, Corey?
    Your kindness and your truth reverberate in my daily life. You are a glowing orb of light. Beautiful post.

  11. It’s never far to reach out and hold hands – we are all in the hand of God!

  12. The simple beauty of your photos and words reach out to me each and every day, Corey. They help me to center myself in all of my busy-ness; they bring to the doorstep of my heart a deeper appreciation for the details I so often miss. You can distill into a few precious lines what it takes me volumes to express (as evidenced here!)
    I’m reaching back out to you across the miles, choosing not to hide.

  13. What a beautiful post, Corey. Really. It reminds me of the reason I said I loved the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, in my post today. All of the good things that come out of our heart, is a choice… Keep reminding us in your magic way every day. 😉
    And I LOVE that crystal with the aged metal! I always loved the mix of old and worn with sparkle and pretty. That’s my favorite.

  14. Corey,
    You always know exactly what to say and how to say it!! Thanks for this (and all)of your posts!

  15. ally bean

    and from what I can tell those on the “road of ignorant unawareness” are very purposeful in their pursuit of unawareness. if i don’t know about it, then i don’t have to do anything, goes their thinking.
    i always use that behavior as a counterpoint to what i choose to do. i ask myself: am I being like them, or am I being aware and loving?
    great post. good thoughts. thx.

  16. it never ceases to amaze me how you can say so much with so few words. Lovely post, Corey.

  17. Sometimes the hardest thing is to be kind to ourselves. I got a swift reminder today that giving and giving outwardly and taking nothing in can sink you FAST. Therefore, I write this from home instead of work. I’m taking a mental health day.

  18. naturegirl

    Lovely image and words!

  19. You hold my hand, I’ll hold yours!
    I could do with the help too.
    I loved this post, you put it so well.

  20. snowsparkle

    beautiful concept perfectly expressed… it’s what i was holding in my meditation this morning as well… thank you for the heart and hand you extend to all of us through your posts.

  21. snowsparkle

    beautiful concept perfectly expressed… it’s what i was holding in my meditation this morning as well… thank you for the heart and hand you extend to all of us through your posts.

  22. Beautifully put, Corey. “Il faut cultiver son jardin” and it’s up to us what we cultivate in our gardens.

  23. madeleine

    i think you have just taken the first step along this path already. there are hands outstretched all the way,as you walk.

  24. cruststation

    We can hold each other’s hand for encouragement and strength-‘A cord of three strands is not quickly broken’ Ecc 4:12. Many times I can feel drained and it is much easier to hide in the overgrowth but with love shared, things become much easier.

  25. “Within each of us their is a sacred garden of goodness, It is in constant bloom, with longing to be gathered and given…. This garden can rest behind a wall, we can hide in the overgrowth, refuse to cultivate, and claim we have nothing to offer except a few bitter herbs and a dried rose or two. The choice is ours, to give of our heart or hide.”
    How interesting that you wrote this around Our Lady’s Assumption day, which was just yesterday! (August 15th)
    Mary gardens, both the outer and inner sort, are a long and sacred tradition, and I think this lovely post of yours in its own way offers the gift of reflecting this 🙂

  26. Lovely my beautiful friend.
    Thank you for your kindness
    and caring words of love!

  27. Sure we hold your hand!
    I love that photo!This crystal flower is such beauty!

  28. Linda Harre

    Thanks for the REMINDER! I needed that! ~L.

  29. swampgrrl

    yes, yes!!
    lead with your heart, grrl.

  30. i’ve been MIA lately corey, but i’m catching up with all that i’ve missed…this is a lovely post…spoken from the heart.
    mary ann xo

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