Daily Steps of Growth


Be in the shoes that lead you to dance with your life.

Wear them worn true if they dance your tune,

but if they don’t sing your song… kick them off!

Ask yourself what do you need to set your feet on the beat-

that will stir your heart to live passionately-

your whole self and nothing short of it!

Photo: Vintage red doll shoes… she skipped the light fantastic, preferring to jitterbug instead of being a wallflower, and you?


33 responses to “Daily Steps of Growth”

  1. (me screaming!!)Corey!!! I LOVE these shoes!!! I love, love, love, love, love them! I once bought a book simply because they had a pair of red slippers on the cover. The story was good, but I adored the image even more. I am guessing these are yours?! What a find!

  2. wow!!! just a few minutes ago I was thinking it was time to get back to dance lessons (before I fall apart completely) and now you have inspired me even more… these shoes are sooooooo cute and the photograph so light and warm

  3. Glad you ade it home safe & sound. Did you know you’d been tagged??

  4. Hi Corey… I’m in complete agreement with Mikaelah – those red shoes! So very beautiful.
    take care, grache

  5. Welcome back Corey!!!! I missed you! I kept comming once in a while when I had the opportunity…(not computers around..I was on holydays as well…)
    Beautiful post!

  6. cruststation

    Thank you for your words Corey, I have got to put on those red shoes! Your home must be an amazing museum 🙂

  7. I am dancing the dance of life.

  8. Bless Shoe!
    Love you Sugar Plum!
    I am glad you are back in France and enjoying your life
    in your homeland again.
    Love Jeanne

  9. Paris Parfait

    Fab shoes and an even more fab message. Yes, dancing is always good! I was just dancing around my kitchen to Marc Broussard’s Carenco CD – made me long for New Orleans, as we remember it. Sigh.

  10. Britt-Arnhild Lindland

    Charming, both shoes and message. Isn’t it amazing what images just one photo can give us?

  11. Shannon Lewis

    My shoes weren’t fitting right, therefore, I couldn’t dance to my favorite music and I said “Hey shoes, you better start letting me dance, or else!”
    Since then, my shoes stretched a bit more and now I dance to my favorite music 🙂

  12. Shoes DO tell all about a person! I wear biker boots, tennis shoes, or nothing at all.

  13. Shoes…yes, they take us places that only our hearts know exist.

  14. susan@artstream

    sweet shoes made for toddling around … dance to the music, dance to themusic!

  15. Hi Corey,
    I love those shoes. I am not much of a dancer but I’m sure these shoes could make me!
    Cheers, LJ

  16. Finding the right fit is really, really hard. Life sure has a habit of mixing things up. Just about the time you find the right fit, something happens and OOPS, you have to go looking again. I guess that is what makes life such an adventure.

  17. Love the photo and the challenge to get on with living the life we really want. I’ve been “shoe shopping” all summer and have found several pair to interchange.

  18. Corey, What adorable shoes, I wish they were in my size!!! I am so happy you came home safe and sound… Miss you already!

  19. snowsparkle

    everytime i decide to follow my heart and dance, it seems i get the rug pulled out from under me. consequently i’ve become so cautious that I avoid opportunities to live wholeheartedly. you would not believe what temptations that have entered into my life lately. i feel like i’ve got the right shoes but have put them on the wrong feet. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

  20. Corey! You MUST publish all your little bits of wisdom and well crafted words! So simply and brilliantly said, always! I could so see a little book of inspiration…

  21. ParisBreakfasts

    OMG You are TOO TOO much! THis is one wonderful picture of so many of yours..Nice to be back with LA MAISON bien sur 🙂

  22. ParisBreakfasts

    Eeeek I just noticed that it;s sitting on a giant leaf?! WOW

  23. Josephine

    So cute! I have a pair of red danskas that look almost exactly like those…Grigore hates them, so I don’t wear them very much anymore…
    …maybe I’ll break them back out now!

  24. My black flamenco shoes have a similar shape, with heels. Dance is one of my three passions!!
    Love, Colette xoxoxoxo

  25. Yes, yes, yes!!!

  26. Those shoes are adorable. To live passionately is what I rather do with my shoes until I wear myself out 🙂 Great post.

  27. these is precious corey! i’m not much of a dancer, but when the mood hits me, i’ve been known to “move & groove” to the beat, lol!

  28. judypatooote

    Those are darling little shoes…..and I would sport my tap dancing shoes…I haven’t danced since i was ill, but that was back in March, so I suppose I should haul them out……I wish I had my old tap board back……
    I must add, you always find such cute little treasures…….

  29. Art Tea Life

    hmm that was a good question
    And I took some time to think about it….
    And I am still thinking !
    Thank you.

  30. welcome home, corey…and thanks so much for this post–perfect timing!

  31. I’m clicking my ruby slippers three times so I can leave Kansas and do some traveling with my husband.

  32. These are beautiful! Oh I do so love red shoes… D’you think they come in adult sizes, too?! ;p

  33. Great image,looks tiny chinese shoes to me

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