Tongue in Cheek French Antiques

Collections gathered. Glass liquor bottle tops and end knobs for curtain rods placed in a rusty urn. There is a purpose for everything. Even if it doesn’t seem possible.

Creativity can rearrange anything for another use.Vintage fabric covered boxes stacked, to guard collected ribbons, postcards, santons, and do-dads, becomes an unusual end table.

Chipped, cracked, peeling, faded, worn, old, those are the words that appeal to me when regarding antiques.

Color and texture are important too.

Practical in a non practical way, seems to be the norm.

Mix and match, spice bottles, with glass liquor tops, stored in a medicine rack. How is that for tongue in cheek antiques?

Photos: Objects in my home.

What do you like to collect?


45 responses to “Tongue in Cheek French Antiques”

  1. Britt-Arnhild Lindland

    I have alot of different collections, and write about them in my blog from time to time. Among my collections is a collection of spin tops. I keep then on a wooden tray on a side table, and right now my little nephew, 5 year old Benjamin is busy playing with them whild my Marta and 9 year old niece Mathilde are playing a Labyrith game. Board games, old and new, are another collection.
    Minimalism is the solution for many of my friends. Not for me though. Decorating is a passion, and my different collections are perfect for decorating.

  2. You have so many treasures I would love to experience antique and not!
    I am such a hoarder!I collect so many things and can’t wait until my house is ready to display them all.
    I would love to see inside your home ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I would so ANYTHING to come and see your beautiful home. What a collection you have. Those fabrics made my mouth water!!
    P.S. Despite the postal strike here – it has arrived!!! It’s BEAUTIFUL!!! (and fun stamps too!!!!)

  4. I am drooling… drooling…. I love to collect antique white linens also….
    and vintage off white mccoy vases… after Katrina last year though… my collecting came to a screeching halt… now I am enjoying my collections, but not currently collecting… all subject to change though.

  5. Very lovely treasure troves
    of love!

  6. ParisBreakfasts

    you had to remind us…
    Trรจs belle/beau

  7. Oh my how wonderful these pictures! I love the knobs in the rusty urn and the fabric boxes are too gorgeous to be true! You have such a beautiful way to decorate your home with worn antique things Corey, I just love it!

  8. I collect fabrics, yarns, old linens, chenille bedspreads, books and memories!
    I love your spice rack …

  9. susan@artstream

    i just can’t imagine living among so MANY lovely things! those glass bottles make me crazy… LOVE THEM!

  10. Shannon Lewis

    There are more rocks and stones on the shores of New Hampshire than there are seashells.
    Rather than complain about that injustice, I collect rocks shaped like hearts.

  11. I LOVE those spice bottles, what a beautiful and utterly creative collection with a purpose!
    I used to collect small boxes from around the world when I was a flight attendant. Some were lost or broken during my many moves but I still have enough to qualify a small collection which is spread throughout the apartment and put to use, too.

  12. Such lovely treasures!
    I don’t have anything I really *love* to collect, but I do love (and have a few) of colored glass bottles.

  13. You have beautiful collections! I love the color green on the urn.
    I have a collection of tins. Other than that of course fabrics and trims.

  14. i love purses, especially beaded ones … oh and good stories. I LOVE a good story.

  15. Smiles and stories from treasures like you!!!

  16. inspiring. that spice rack makes my stainless steel, prelabeled one look like “new money,” whereas yours has old school class.

  17. Wonderful photos! Over the years I’ve collected cameos, old fancy keys, and eiffel towers. And, of course, fabric.

  18. Carrie Sommer

    I want everything in your post.

  19. daniela miotto-brown

    very delicious on the eye.

  20. The textures of your collections are absolutely delicious. Everything you have described appeals to me – especially glass bottles and glass stoppers. I have acquired several old, and sometimes chipped decanters, which I adore. Bits and pieces of textiles sometimes lay in my box of treasures for years before I am inspired to drape them over something or repurpose them for an elevated role.

  21. I love the linens and the spice bottles!Humm.. as I look around what are my collectables…my 3 cats!You can’t have just one! :>)

  22. You have wonderful taste in your antique choices & wonderful photography. I love to collect too many things. More than I have room for. Vintage china, perfume bottles, sewing items, pincushions, French woman & children ostcards,
    fabrics, laces & linens, old toys, jewelry, dolls, quilts, clocks, brown & lavender transferware, anything & everything. I also like to collect altered art with antiques in them.

  23. Your new camera is doing a fine job and you are too! Clear and fresh.
    I love bright ceramics, italian maiolica, south african vibrant clashing colours. It has a naturally short life expectancy around my family with heavy use, but I hoard broken pieces in case one day I will make a grand mosaic from all the beautiful pieces.

  24. snowsparkle

    i collect odd, sentimental mementos… a paper thin wasps nest, a tooth from my favorite cat, a plastic dinosaur found on the beach, an antique french communion ring…. you get the idea… things that remind me of those i love. ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Many years ago I started collecting hinged tins. As my collection grew, I found that there were many works of art on other tins that I simply had to include. Time went by, friends admired my collection and wanted to add to it so……now I have a collection of European tins, Easter tins, Christmas tins, cookie tins, antique tins, diecut tins, anniversary tins, lunch tins, chocolate tins, etc. My “little” collection has grown to an unimagineable number (we’re into four digits and counting) and my space has simply overgrown!

  26. Those spice bottles are wonderful! I would love to see all your treasures, Corey.
    I don’t collect anything but books, and bad habits. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  27. “FLOW BLUE”

  28. I love collecting clocks.

  29. i collect like you do my dear corey (though much of my finds are not centuries old like some of yours!)…
    this bears repeating:YOU are a KINDRED spirit!
    xo, mary ann

  30. I used to collect blue flow and blue willow. I don’t have the money to collect pottery anymore(the ones I like) but I can afford enamelware. You can always find a piece or two at vide greniers-flea markets-and I now look for unusual pieces or unusual colors. They aren’t really that old but they do bring a smile to my face.

  31. cruststation

    I love your collection-the fabric covered boxes, clothing and the spice bottles in a medicine rack so creative. I collect beautiful pictures of anything from magazine cuttings, postcards etc (my blog is like an online scrapbook for me).

  32. I’ll have any of those linens – as well as the spice bottles with the liquor stoppers – that’s a stupendous idea.

  33. You have such good taste and the eye to arrange your treasures in wonderful ways without looking contrived. Oh, for the knack to decorate (*sigh*)!
    I used to collect postcards; it was my way of traveling before the world opened up with Internet access. I also have the requisite few smooth stones and pieces of driftwood, ticket stubs, Christmas ornaments, etc.
    Now it seems I’m lucky to collect my wits ๐Ÿ˜‰

  34. I like your spice bottles. They are a fun twist on a simple, everyday item.

  35. Linda Harre

    Dear Corey…..your make EVERYTHING look so beautiful. A large part of that are the words you use, but you have a nack that not many have! I hope your family is doing all right in Calif. I have been thinking about you ever since I read that blog entry awhile back…XXXOOO Linda

  36. Corey, I think you’ve seen “almost” all of my collectibles or if you haven’t just check the various months in the archives. Id have more but I just have a small house to put them in: ) As it is my husband has to live with a mannequin/dress form in our bedroom!

  37. I love all your antique’s find.. I was at the antique shop myself.. the past weekend.. and I spotted some bottle stoppers.. I bought some to use as suncathers in my flowerpots..
    now I have to go back to find some small bottles to fit them.. soo bad..
    have fun.. and enjoy your stay in France.. the country I love the most..

  38. JinxTheGypsy

    Absolutely love them all :)You have an eye for things beautiful!

  39. Oooh…to actually look through your white linens. And I like your elegant spice bottles, Corey. What do I collect? Seashells and starfish. I hand them on my wall and place them throughout my garden. A starfish holds down my dinnerplates. Two starfish accompany a framed etching of a swimmer whose body mirrors the shapes of the starfish. They are happy reminders of days spent at the beach with my husband.

  40. nice collection! love them all especially the spice bottles..

  41. you have a nice collection of spice bottles ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. They are all such beautiful collections…love the flowery boxes..have always had a thing for pretty containers!
    Ouissi x

  43. Oh my goodness! I absolutely love all your things! I have a collection of old skeleton keys from tiny to very large. I’m loving antiques more and more. Lovely post. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Your photos are fabulous and very pretty antiques you tempt us with! Thanks!

  45. You make me feel that with you I could get up to go to a dawn market, sluggard that I am. I have made so many collections over the years, and got rid of some too. The first I ever started in my early 20s (and I’m now 79) was of Staffordshire pottery cow creamers, which expanded to almost any cow figure in any material. That is still with me. I also have a small collection of iridescent green glass, both old and modern; a collection of whistles; a collection of miniature items; a good deal of pewter, but mostly inherited; and a collection of old children’s books, again based on inherited stuff. I’ve pretty much stopped collecting now as my house is full and I haven’t the energy. But your site stirs the excitement in me again…..
    I like the tassels in your Flea Market. Are there any more? Are they for sale, there is no price on them.

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