When we were in California, nearly every morning my Mother made waffles for breakfast, every Monday during the summer (on the, "cookies-for-vegetable-exchange-day,") my Mother whipped up waffles for thirteen hungry stomachs.
Since we have returned to France, nearly every morning, I send Sacha sleepy eye to buy a baguette instead of granting him his waffle-wishes, French breakfest without maple syrup…oh la la.
Goodbye, soy chai lattes, coca puffs, burritos, nacho and cheese… B-O-N-J-O-U-R herbs de provence, St Pierre grille, ratatouille avec rose!
The time has changed, our view is different, words stumble out of my mouth, lavender instead of an American flag waves above the doorway, neighbors replace rice fields, prayers stay steady on our lips, our hearts can hold many keys, unlock treasures buried in chests.
Viva la France – God bless America.
What do you have for breakfast?
photos: Views from where I stand. South of France.
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