Living in France


When we were in California, nearly every morning my Mother made waffles for breakfast, every Monday during the summer (on the, "cookies-for-vegetable-exchange-day,") my Mother whipped up waffles for thirteen hungry stomachs.

Since we have returned to France, nearly every morning, I send Sacha sleepy eye to buy a baguette instead of granting him his waffle-wishes, French breakfest without maple syrup…oh la la.


Goodbye, soy chai lattes, coca puffs, burritos, nacho and cheese…                    B-O-N-J-O-U-R herbs de provence, St Pierre grille, ratatouille avec rose!


                     The time has changed, our view is different, words stumble out of my mouth, lavender instead of an American flag waves above the doorway, neighbors replace rice fields, prayers stay steady on our lips, our hearts can hold many keys, unlock treasures buried in chests.

Viva la France – God bless America.

What do you have for breakfast?

photos: Views from where I stand. South of France.


36 responses to “Living in France”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Though a real Nordic girl, a bit of my heart belongs to France. I have so much fun now starting the planning of our “next summer in France”.
    By the way, I got Kristin’s FrenchWordADay book in the mail from amazon yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Good Morning Dear Corey,
    An early departure to the lower desert led me to THE COFFE BEAN AND TEA LEAF for a Benti iced (102) degrees down there), vanilla latte. I slowley sipped it as I enjoyed the pleasure of a long over due pedicure, which included a wonderful foot massage =) Then it was off to the unavoidable errands.
    Can you walk into town from your home? How I long to live where I can walk into town.

  3. I’m a homemade jam on toast and a cup of Yorkshire tea lass!(even though I’m from Lancashire really!!)

  4. Marmalade (orange & cumquat) on toast. Coffee. But I try to vary it every day.

  5. Paris Parfait

    Mais oui, vive la France! Et vive la difference! xo

  6. Funny you should ask as I am having my morning smoothie while reading this! I am trying to get back to healthier habits and so to enjoy some nutrition bursting spirulina which on its own is pretty vile I mix it into a blend of fresh orange juice, a slice of pineapple, one banana and fat free organic yoghurt. The color is a horrible shade of green but it tastes surprisingly yummy.
    Mind you, if you ask for my favorite breakfast, it would be a decaf latte and a fresh croissant that honors a real French one from my favorite cafe around the corner. I try to keep it a treat though rather than making it a regular habit, easier said than done!
    Your description of being back in France makes me miss Europe so much!
    Take care, Kerstin

  7. my prayers have stayed ‘steady’ hon! pooor sacha NO WAFFLES drenched in maple syrup? oh well the pastry sounds delish as well xo

  8. susan@artstream

    ah waffles everyday with nh maple syrup, would make me FAT! lol! but my two busy girls could manage to eat that … give me a crusty roll, a soft boiled egg and two cups of really fine pressed coffee and I am happy!

  9. Corey, you make me want to hop the next plane to Paris! Oh my, this is such a wonderful post…for breakfast? Yogurt and oatmeal, usually.

  10. Shannon Lewis

    You had to go and ask this question today of all days!
    I typically have coffee with an egg white omelette.
    But today I had coffee with a leftover breast of Kentucky Fried Chicken…extra crispy.

  11. Good Morning Corey, Today I will have a soft egg, toast, o.j. and about 2-3 cups of coffe! Today is a new beginning for me as I am giving up a very old habit! Say a prayer for me! Toni

  12. Oldest has just brought me an egg sandwich –
    and he thinks we need to send you a special box of
    Rice-Krispie Treats…
    do you know them.

  13. Lovely descriptions of the two sides of your life, which are equally luscious. Favorite breakfast – dry toast with a little cottage cheese and a few blueberries – and two cups of strong coffee (stout as my grandfather used to request). Okay, not FAVORITE. If left to my own undisciplined devices, I would gobble up a huge omelette replete with veggies and cheese, accompanied by sausage and biscuits every morning… with butter. Good grief!

  14. Oh my, I would be hard pressed to exchange fresh baguette for waffles any day – “Viva la France” indeed!

  15. Ahh, we Americans do not eat as well as the French I think.
    For me breakfast, I am with your mom all the way. Waffles w/maple syrup! Not toaster waffles either, the real deal!
    I so enjoy your posts!

  16. oh…soooo lucky i am, to be able to eat well and travel well–all vicariously through Tongue in Cheek!!!

  17. Lovely post! There is a Boulangerie opening our litle town in central NH.. perhaps a small corner of France to go and visit..
    ๐Ÿ™‚ Abbie

  18. I have to say breakfast is not my favorite meal. My stomach is sound asleep until at least nine, so sometimes I have to persuade it like a stubborn child. Plain yogurt and fruit with a few walnuts works for me.
    I love the lavender above your door. Hmmm, now I’ve got ideas.

  19. At this time of year I have sunshine and coffee for breakfast. And perhaps a bagle or a banana. I sit on my itty bitty front porch and watch the seasons change. I am hungry for autumn.
    (Glad you made it home safe and sound.)

  20. M-F eggs with dill, rosemary and thyme and on occasion 1/2 cup rainforest granola with soy milk. Weekends a waffle with peanut butter and syrup.
    (I remember the picture of those chocolate cookies your mother makes from the first time you posted it–yum!)

  21. Ahh, the bedroom mannequin! Everyone must have one.
    I just finished my bowl of cinnamon oatmeal & banana : )

  22. ParisBreakfasts

    :)) Merci Madame!
    I had hot chocolate as always + a new addition.
    Slice up 1 nectarine/peach, add a handful of frozen blueberries + some cinnamon + a dash of nutmeg + a squirt of lemon juice and a tad of sugar. Nuke it for 2 minutes covered and then add a dollop of Greek Yogart YUM

  23. Corey that’s it I”m packing my bags and I”m coming to France! The bagette the lavender the VIEW the lavender… mmmmmm …!!For breakfast I have yogurt and cereal..boring!!

  24. during the week i have cream of wheat & a toasted bagel w/ some sort of flavored cream cheese…on le week-end, the dh & i have a “big breakfast” either homemade or on occasion, out to some breakfast place…

  25. I remember the baguette, and the admonition not to eat any of it on the way back.
    I have a banana for breakfast. And black coffee.

  26. herhimnbryn

    Winter= porridge with soft brown sugar. Ot toast and marmite.
    Rest of the year= fruit or smoothy or yoghurt or at weekends croissant with good apricot conserve.

  27. Blessings to you darling one.
    The best of both worlds literally!
    Today for breakfast I had lovely pumpernickel bread with home made jam and my latte.
    All said with a great big thank you to God!
    Love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  28. France sounds deliciously wonderful. Although I could not do without my burritos and nachos!
    Breakfast was a blueberry bagel with wild berry cream cheese with coffee.

  29. Corey….How wonderful to blest with the best of both worlds…the great memories of both countries….the appreciation of both…God is good! and so are you!

  30. breakfast in America is much too fast! My husband stands up to eat his and I cannot convince him to do otherwise.

  31. I’m really liking oatmeal as of late. The instant variety, cinnamon flavored.
    Breakfast looks yummier in France.

  32. Tea and a slice of 7 grain bread with honey. If someone would convince me that it was good for the body I would have a Coke and a brownie. What can I say-I have a sweet tooth.

  33. ๐Ÿ™‚ now I have a baguette with butter and “confiture” (home made one). Sometimes croissants.
    But on weekends, sometimes, I bake “arepas”: a small corn bread from Venezuela that you can fill with anything! even foigras! (delicious….) My favorite is: fresh cheese and avocado……..oh! I am hungry now!

  34. Wow, Corey. I really love this post, and I’m not sure what it is that sparks me so… maybe my longing to return to France. And my love of America. And I also love to see pictures of your life there. Post more of those!
    When Kory and I returned from France, we tried to keep our baguette breakfast going. We would walk down to this that little french bakery in Chico, Do you know it? But, it wasn’t the same…

  35. AscenderRisesAbove

    i like the vegies exchange program; I could live with that! (could those kids BE any cuter?)
    me? frosted mini wheats; occassional soy protein breakfast shake thingy; and pancakes with fruit at least one time a weekend

  36. Oh, my mouth is watering just reading that menu and I can smell the lavender over your doorway! Mmmmm! I just returned to my home in the States from my homeland of Canada yesterday. What did I eat there? Waffles with maple syrup! What did I eat this morning here in NJ? A croissant from Starbucks!

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