An Afternoon in Provence


Sitting at a sidewalk cafe in a quaint French village,

gathering memories for tomorrow

with my cousin Julie,

chatting about life, love, and the price of herbs in Provence,

sharing a glass of wine… sipping each other’s company,

wanting it to last a long time,

absorbing light underneath the sun,

while scribbling random thoughts in a mini paperback notebook.

Who’s company do you enjoy? Planted time, blooms friendship.

photos: Moments shared with Julie in Cadiere d’ Azur. Three chairs in a neighboring village sit side by side blooming flowers.


30 responses to “An Afternoon in Provence”

  1. I am blessed with beautiful family and friends. I cherish each one. I share my life with lovely sincere genuine friends.
    Those who always make me feel better……………
    Positive loving and kind people are who I surround myself with and always family!
    Love you
    I love those little chair planters!

  2. Ah, a glass of wine while absorbing the sunshine and mood of a French village in the afternoon, it sounds perfect. The French haven’t coined the term Joi d’vivre for nothing!
    I miss the company of my European friends and sharing afternoons with them sitting around cafes very much. Luckily I have a husband whose company I love!

  3. susan@artstream

    my favorite time spent is with my husband a glass of wine and my two girls all in our garden or on the beach. that is a perfect day for me.

  4. So glad that you share your beautiful life in France with all of us! Lovely pictures – the flower chairs are bloomin’ wonderful.

  5. i love to be with my hubby and 3 kids and any friends that drop by…. at the beach or in the sun porch

  6. Shannon Lewis

    The easiest friendship I have is with my neighbor…and our sons are best friends!
    Easy conversation, easy silence, easy laughter.

  7. Sounds like the perfect afternoon to me! I would have enjoyed it too, espeially with you as my company! And the chairs with the nasturtiums blooming in them are just gorgeous!

  8. You’re right. The lovely surroundings play the accompaniement to the real song – two people’s spirits resting in each other. My daughter, my sisters (including in-law), my cousin, my three dearest friends – you remind me how blessed I am with close hearts.

  9. Hello. I saw your blog listed on Blog of the Day and thought I’d come visit. Lovely photos and writing. I enjoyed my visit.

  10. you gave me an idea.. remember my planted chair.. now I have a second one.. maybe I find a topless coffee table.. and fill them all with flowers for autumn..
    enjoy your afternoon and stay..and tahnk you for your visit.. I went to the antiqueshop today.. saw a lemon juice and vinaigre holder like yours.. and remembered you..
    with love..

  11. The chair planters make me happy. I had one like that outside in the garden for years, but eventually the wood rotted and it fell to bits.
    In some ways, I miss its friendship. It kept me company as I drove in and out of the garage. It was always cheerful and easy to get along with! Rather quiet, though. 😉

  12. being surrounded by the people i love, our cats, my garden, the natural beauty of the world & its many creatures that reside in it!

  13. Britt-Arnhild Lindland

    Like several others here – I love my time with my dh. Just had afternoon coffee together, and now we will do the dinner dishes 🙂 Everyday life love is my way of love…..

  14. Paris Parfait

    Sounds like a blissful afternoon! Adorable chairs with flowers replacing the seats! Ah, the imagination and style of the French! C’est magnifique!

  15. Francabollo

    The pink wine blew Sheba’s cover. I can hear the conversation … life, the Russian, price of herbs, the Russian, string theory, the Russian, whether to order a glass or a bottle (or two), the Russian. Da, it’s true. I knew from the minute I spied those goo-goo eyes as she disembarked at SFO.

  16. What a relaxing time you must have had.
    I enjoy catching up with a couple of good friends–feels like “home” to be back together again. But most of all I just like relaxing with my husband, being close.

  17. to sit with someone dear, sip a little wine, chat, laugh, and just BE in that special moment – THAT is the ultimate chorus of the symphonic day you described. I hold those I have like that close to my heart.

  18. Lovely way to spend the afternoon!
    I adore these planters and will have to go dig up some old chairs in my garage….

  19. Sounds like you had a perfect afternoon. Whose company do I enjoy? My husband for making me laugh every day and my friends for making Life so wonderful and interesting.

  20. cruststation

    Oh I would love to be in France, sit in the sun and sip wine with friends how wonderful! The best afternoons are spent with good friends who speak the truth and are genuinely interested in you.

  21. I enoyed yours. 😉
    I would even enjoy it more, if I were enjoying it while sipping wine in France!

  22. la vie en rose

    i’m seriously in love with that little notebook…too CUTE!

  23. Tend friendship like a garden!
    I love the company of a dear friend sharing lifes ups and downs.I truly adore the company of my natureboy on lazy pjama Sat.mornings!
    Your images are delightful.. even the notebook speaks to me!I
    went into the site you linked …what a great idea …leaving a book behind!!

  24. ParisBreakfasts

    What a lovely glass of rosé..I love the blue stem on the glass. You gather and share so many wonderful memories with us Cory 🙂

  25. herhimnbryn

    Two friends. One in the UK ( so far away). One Up the road and round the corner. Both know me well. I love them both and cherish their friendship.

  26. I appreciate how you are able to express your feeling so beautifully and soulfully. The essence of what you are trying to convey is expressed so poignantly by your words and photography. Nothing like connecting with someone you love. Especially while drinking wine. Nothing!!!

  27. Cousin Chris

    My Motto:
    God didnt make Red Grapes to end up as Pink Wine.

  28. Whenever I read things like this, or even read some french town names on a map, I find it hard to understand how a country which is very nearly touching this one can have such a different feel.I’m glad that you make the most of it.Vive la difference.

  29. I love to spend time with friends, chatting, sharing glasses of wine. I also love to spend time with just me ~ thinking my own thoughts, reading, writing, playing music ~ all the things that feed my soul.

  30. I am so in love with your words Corey! “Sipping each other’s company.” Those words conjour up SO many memories of the sheer gladness I’ve experienced just being in the presence of a dear friend. “Time” shared is a powerful gift that is often underrated.

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