Light over Darkness


Have you ever seen your light reflected in someone’s heart, or your energy giving light to someone in need, have you ever seen the power of your love transform someone? 

"Teach me, like you, to drink
creation whole
And casting out myself,
become a soul."   
-Richard Wilbur

It is a gift to see our souls, smiling back at us in the lives of others!

photo: pink crystals on my desk, toying with my words, painting color on my paper, showing me that light can shine through it, even if it is not hanging in a window.

"Life is this simple: We are living in a world that is absolutely transparent
and the Divine is shining through it all the time…"
-Thomas Merton


21 responses to “Light over Darkness”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    Beautiful picture
    Beautiful crystals
    Beautiful thoughts

  2. Let your love light shine
    Fabulous as always my friend.
    Love you

  3. I love when you provide links in your posts. It’s like going on a treasure hunt 🙂

  4. yes, beautiful indeed.

  5. Once again your words transform us. You shine a light upon this world and it illuminates us. Thank you!

  6. Beautiful post, and so true. Light where there once was darkness is the biggest treasure.

  7. annie lockhart

    hey corey, souls smiling back at us in the lives of others is beautiful…that too was part of my magical day, it was hard for me to describe that…i love stopping by here…it’s like a dose of spirit sprinkled on my day! thx for visiting my place…xo…annie

  8. What a life-changing challenge – letting light shine through us all over those we encounter. Very transformative for the one shining and the one on which the light is shone.

  9. 2 days ago the Power Thought card I drew(I do this daily)said:
    The people in my life are really mirrors of me. This affords me the opportunity to grow and change. My life is a mirror.
    As always Corey, your thoughts and images are amazing!

  10. You are beautiful!
    Lovely entries…

  11. You have a way with words. Very inspiring! Thanks for taking time to check out my blog! 🙂

  12. One of my favorite poems is by Richard Wilbur, “Love Calls Us to the things of this world”, about laundry!

  13. susan@artstream

    you just sparkle…

  14. The light shines through your words as it does your soul. You share so much and speak to our souls in a way that allows our hearts to remember, embrace, enjoy and expand. Thank you.

  15. ahh Thomas Merton xo love that – love the crystals and love how each time I visit, it stirs my soul.
    thankyou xo

  16. You are a light to us all.

  17. Mick Gordon

    When you feel enlightened, the world may well be transparent but life is seldom simple and my clarity is a lump of lead.

  18. it’s wonderful to be alive when that happens!

  19. Yes… the light is shining uniquely iridescent through you, Corey!

  20. you have such a way with words. your joy just pops out of this screen and puts a wide smile on my face.

  21. This post and so many of your writings gives me hope…where do you find this in yourself? Corey…you are an amazing and beautiful person!

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