Around this time thirty odd years ago, at an hometown football game, my childhood friend was talking about piercing her ears…other than the boys on the field, what else do teenage girls talk about at a football game?
Being the spontaneous girl that I was, I offered my ear piercing services to her. Really, how hard was it to stick a pin through someone’s ear? The combination of desire and desperation lead Shelley to trust me.
We tipped-toe-d late that evening into my family’s house. I took two clothes pins off the line, cut a potato in half, and took a needle with a thread out of the junk drawer. Shelley found these objects curious. I explained the game plan to her: The clothes pins were to numb her ear lobes, the cut potato was to be held behind her ear to keep it firm while the needle…(no need to explain its purpose…) and the thread was to guide the earring through after it was pierced.
While we chatted about number 35 on the football team, and lip gloss, Shelley sat patiently with the two clothes pins numbing her earlobes. It hurt.
When her ears could no longer feel a thing, I took the sterilized needle and pierced her ear, the squishing sound made my stomach turn. As I went to pierce the second lobe, I felt my head spin, as if I had been hit head-on by a football player… Nevertheless, I stuck the needle into her second earlobe, the squishing sound roared, the needle was half in and half out…Shelley was cheering me on…DO IT, DO IT, JUST DO IT!! The reality of what I was doing tackled me, causing me to withdraw my courage! I CAN’T, I CAN’T I whimpered back!
What were we going to do? Her Father, our high school football coach, was going to nail us, I had fumbled, we started to laugh uncontrollably!
Gathering our wits, we went and woke up my Mother….she stared at us in disbelief, sat up, shook her head, and drove the needle home, touchdown into the potato!
Shelley had her ears pierced, my Mom went back to bed, I threw up and decided a career in body piercing wasn’t for me…
Shelley do you remember what your Dad said?
(P.S. AH HA Shelley responds: "Corey…I’m sure My Father said…."JUST WHAT YOU NEED…ANOTHER HOLE IN YOUR HEAD!" Posted by: Shelley | September 13, 2006 at 07:20 PM")
photo: Stud earrings dazzle football players?
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