Once upon a time….





          (photos of my travels to Marrakesh, Morocco…to an ancient harem, light danced like many scarves across the threshold…I could hear the bells from their feet and smell the perfume in their hair, my imagination swirled me to another time….)


39 responses to “Once upon a time….”

  1. Sacred Art of Living

    Corey, these are absolutely stunning and make me want to go so much. I even have a friend who just moved there. . .
    Blessings, Christine

  2. shelley Noble

    Gorgeous photos, Corey. You world traveller, life liver, poetess you.

  3. Britt-Arnhild

    Beautiful Corey. When I saw the first photo I was taken right back to my days in Sigtuna in Sweden in June.
    Then the next photo told me that this was a far more exotic place (for me at least, I guess Sigtuna might be just as exotic for others, lol)
    Marrakesh is on my list of places I want to go, but the next year I have Lindisfarne, Venice and France on my list ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. cruststation

    Beautiful pictures, I would love to go to Morocco one day the tiles and prints they produce are just wonderful.

  5. I have just put Morocco on my list of places I want to visit.

  6. Beautiful photos.
    I just finished reading the book Marrakesh Express by Esther Freud, so your photos added a vision to the images already floating around in my head.

  7. Wow! You create a wow effect with your pictures…and the lines you wrote down are so rich and imaginative…great to know you Tongue in cheek..
    best wishes!

  8. The light – fantastic!!

  9. Absolutely exquisite!
    Love and hugs and beautiful blessings!

  10. susan@artstream

    oh hhhh….. these corey THESE! are lovely and we should include them…
    so very beautiful. especially the last one and the middle one and the first one!

  11. Beautiful pictures Corey!

  12. wow !!

  13. Beautiful photos.

  14. you have been to Morocco? oh you lucky duck!
    hope all is well in your gorgeous part of the world!

  15. These photos are breathtaking. Love seeing things through your eyes.

  16. I am deeply drawn to this first image especially. Yes this definitely beckons the fairy tale!

  17. Breathtaking Corey, the light, the shadows, the curved doorway and garden and the tiles… Truly dreamy… wisking us away to the world that is your fairytale…

  18. Incredibly beautiful – an definitely hauntng. Or maybe haunted.

  19. the maroccans had an architectural penchant..no??
    bur as for the harem.. well let us say ..it had to be beautiful and comfortable .. to keep so many woman inside.. and lifelong.. not very desirable to live in but of course ery interesting for a visit

  20. you amaze me yet again…but then I’ve learned that whenever I stop in to be prepared for that. The photos are fantastic as is your description! I will live vicariously through your travels.

  21. Inspiring and so deceptively peaceful.

  22. Lorene Silva

    These pictures are beautiful and breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Those pictures are amazing! makes me want to walk through this, lovely, quiet place… Wonderful. I love the tile work, and the glass so much!

  24. Paris Parfait

    Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing these amazing views. I collect photos of arched windows, doors, etc.

  25. Absolutely beautiful photography! I’m jealous! ๐Ÿ˜›

  26. Dear Corey,
    I always wanted to go to Morocco. Thanks for taking me.

  27. wow what a wonderful place, superb pictures.

  28. ParisBreakfasts

    Did the unknown gal with the red sash hang out here..? Was she part of a harem, a captive slave to the Sultana ? Hmmm

  29. enchanting …

  30. Hi Corey,
    Travelling via your blog is always so insightful… beautiful, evocative photos.
    take care, grache

  31. annie lockhart

    stunning photos…rich with curiosity…and layers and layers of history…

  32. Beautiful pictures! Marocco is high on my travelling list. Remind me of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. Very enchanting…

  33. chelsea’s friend

    hello corey
    i went to maroco when i was 14 and it was a wonderfull travel.
    and i can review the beauty of this country by your photos
    a bientot

  34. Beautiful, the shot with the colored light on the flooring.. incredible..

  35. If I thought long and hard I might be able to come up with some original superlatives… but I think everyone has mentioned them all already! These photographs are (insert superlative of choice here)!

  36. stunning pics!
    i once went on a date where we had dinner at a morrocan restaurant…we sat on cushions & ate with our fingers & everything!

  37. la vie en rose

    *sigh* …so pretty…

  38. Such, such exquisite images! They make me think of spices and Moroccan dancers…

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