Having Sunday Tea


Tea, like companions, comes in many flavors:

Spicy, floral, rich body, and possibly with a twist of lemon.

You might need to sweeten the tea by adding conversation

(Caution: drinking it hot, might scorch your tongue!)

When you take a tea with someone you sip tales and steep time.

Remember pour generously, offer sweets.

photo: pastel 1930 teacups that do not hold more than a drop…


19 responses to “Having Sunday Tea”

  1. cruststation

    I love tea and your cups, I’m having one right now. Love to be outside in the beautiful sunshine at a cafe enjoying tea with friends~that would be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

  2. five o clock tea.. is like a ritual.. and is nothing without friends..
    well maybe sometimes.. a good music and s good book is OK..
    I like your tea-cups..
    enjoy your tea..

  3. I love “sip tales and seep time” — a beautiful thought.

  4. ohhowI’dlove
    a cup of tea with you!

  5. Britt-Arnhild

    Your china fits perfectly with some old Norwegian china I collect.

  6. What a lovely photo … all the colors are warm and inviting. I’m a coffee drinker but I would love a cup of chai or earl grey in these cups.

  7. ParisBreakfasts

    Dreamy picture ! So big too..
    And I thought you were taking Dimanches off…

  8. That photo is gorgeous! I’d enjoy a cup of tea (or two, perhaps?) in those cups!

  9. Having a cup of tea and thinking of thee.
    Love Jeanne

  10. “Learning to love you more” is one of my favorites!

  11. What lovely colors. Perfect for waving good-bye to summer and hello to fall.

  12. You are right about all of it! I love your ideas about growing the kind of life that you want.
    I’ve been thinking lately that friendship is a lot like a hummingbird. You have to set out the sugar water for them to come around!

  13. “sip tales and steep time”, I like that!!

  14. What wonderful links and art and poetry there always is when I pay a visit and take the time to look arouns…if only I had made some tea!

  15. i love tea & all its rituals…i’d own a tea room if i could!

  16. la vie en rose

    beautiful tea cups

  17. Bless your heart. You feed me…

  18. Art Tea Life

    My weakness
    My Strength
    My Love of TEA
    This Post makes me want to…
    Go get a cup of tea !
    Don’t you find the small cups fun … and you get to pour more often and mix in your milk or sugar or whatever you might like for that particular cup.
    It seems more precious in small amounts like this too. Savored and special.
    ahhh, you got me with this one ! AGAIN!
    Love, S.

  19. this photograph is lovely. the inspiration behind these words is lovely.
    and my dear… i like to think that one day soon, there’ll be tea time for the two of us as well.

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