Five Euro catches a Big Fish


This weekend I went to visit my friends who moved to a pearl of a village outside of Paris. On Sunday we went to an antique market, or as they say in French, "brocante." Walking around pointing at things we liked, asking for prices, buying what-nots and do-dads that caught our fancy, laughing and chit chatting- as much as we were enjoying the early morning scene we still longed to find something that would make us jump out of our socks.

Sitting alongside an iron fence a tapestry stared at us with it muted colors. The Seine behind the iron fence seemed to have washed ashore this river scene just for us!


My friend’s eye reeled it in, casting it upon different walls in her home, imagining where she would hang it, though the assumption was cost would keep it at bay. I asked the dealer how much…when she replied shyly, "Five euro?" (roughly eight dollars,) we nearly dropped our jaws, barely managing composure, we knew we had our catch of the day!


Walking back to the car like two proud fishermen we carried that tapestry like it was a golden fish. I know that each time my friend looks at this tapestry hanging on her walls she will soak up the memories of our fishing trip along the Seine, seeing me smiling alongside of her, with a wink in my eye wishing I had caught such a beauty too!

photos of the 19th century French tapestry we caught. Remember: click on any image to enlarge. Plus pass the mouse slowly, then stop over any image catches an hidden phrase.


25 responses to “Five Euro catches a Big Fish”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Such treasures can’t be counted in money. I’m glad your friend found it……fishing with flirtation, I love that 🙂

  2. The tapestry is awesome. Even more wonderful is your description of the day. I especially enjoyed the reeling in and casting on the walls of her home. Perfect.

  3. OK, I will definitely bring an empty suitcase so that I can bring home treasures from my visit!!
    And I did as you instructed at the end of the post, but nothing happened other than the picture being enlarged. Is there really a message embedded in the pictures?

  4. susan@artstream

    oooooh such a wonderful find! truly truly wonderful!! doesn’t that make the entire weekend just sing with something special. i too love the fishing with flirtation!

  5. A wonderful find made even better by friendship and a beautiful day.

  6. A golden day for a true friendship! Love your story and it feels great when some else with you finds that rarity…next time it will be you.

  7. beautiful tapisseries..but the most important fact is the story of the day you have had.. with your friend..

  8. The whole thing – the quest, the giggling, the wide eyes, the conquest – all delicious!

  9. Omigosh, that’s AMAZING!! What a wonderful find on what sounds like a very fun day.

  10. What a fun day. What a fabulous find. Just goes to show, there are still hidden treasures everywhere.

  11. Ohhh La laaaa – what a steal!!! You were good not to start a fight with your friend over it, and let her have it… just kidding… Dearest Corey, you are always my “special eyes” and continue to be, I adore everything you discover… miss you.

  12. What a lovely way to enjoy friendship!

  13. This is why I shop at flea markets and the like…the thrill of the hunt!
    Congrats on such an amazing find.

  14. Lisa(oceandreamer)

    what an amazing find! the treasures seem to abound there…but the best treasure was having time with a friend hunting and seeking and the memory of that day. xoxo

  15. Oh my GOSH! I am going to have to send you some money for you to keep, for just the right moment you can find a treasure like that for me!! LOL.

  16. cruststation

    This is absolutely beautiful with so much detail, what a bargain find and lovely use of pun 🙂

  17. That IS a catch! What a fun day for you both!

  18. How lovely and how lovely of YOU to enjoy your friend’s good fortune. I used to have a friend I enjoyed treasure hunting with until she became so openly greedy and grabby and self-entitled, I began to avoid her and eventually just stopped being around her at all. How blessed that you realize as I do that PEOPLE are more precious than STUFF. Thank you for reminding me that there ARE kindred spirits in this world who share my values. You are a special piece of art yourself, dear Corey!

  19. la vie en rose

    lucky girls…to find the beautiful tapestry and to have such a wonderful day together…

  20. Art Tea Life

    you know…
    all of your art
    is so wonderful
    I am here catching up because it has been a few days.
    Your eye, the photos you take and the words you paint with
    It is all so warm and wonderful and thought provoking.
    I love it here.
    Your honesty and wisdom feed my soul.
    Much Love as Ever

  21. herhimnbryn

    Love a bargain.

  22. Five euro – a lucky golden fish indeed!
    Wish I could have “caught such a beauty too!”…
    take care, g

  23. gorgeous story book setting!

  24. Paris Parfait

    Such a great – and rare – bargain!

  25. Oh my your lucky friend! Only 5 € unbelievable! What a great bargain and what a fantastic day you’ve had together!

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