This weekend I went to visit my friends who moved to a pearl of a village outside of Paris. On Sunday we went to an antique market, or as they say in French, "brocante." Walking around pointing at things we liked, asking for prices, buying what-nots and do-dads that caught our fancy, laughing and chit chatting- as much as we were enjoying the early morning scene we still longed to find something that would make us jump out of our socks.
Sitting alongside an iron fence a tapestry stared at us with it muted colors. The Seine behind the iron fence seemed to have washed ashore this river scene just for us!
My friend’s eye reeled it in, casting it upon different walls in her home, imagining where she would hang it, though the assumption was cost would keep it at bay. I asked the dealer how much…when she replied shyly, "Five euro?" (roughly eight dollars,) we nearly dropped our jaws, barely managing composure, we knew we had our catch of the day!
Walking back to the car like two proud fishermen we carried that tapestry like it was a golden fish. I know that each time my friend looks at this tapestry hanging on her walls she will soak up the memories of our fishing trip along the Seine, seeing me smiling alongside of her, with a wink in my eye wishing I had caught such a beauty too!
photos of the 19th century French tapestry we caught. Remember: click on any image to enlarge. Plus pass the mouse slowly, then stop over any image catches an hidden phrase.
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