How are you and yours today?


The doctor said to my Father: If I didn’t know any better I would think you were pretending to be sick, you look great! Whatever you are doing, keep doing it! My Father responded: I pray.

That is the faith I know to be true, that has encouraged my every step, it is this root of love that sustains me, grounds me while sprouting vines towards the light… trusting it is all good and carrying on…

My sister in law continues to heal, after two major surgeries on her pancreas in six weeks, surrounded by helping hands and the love of family and friends, she is starting to feel herself again.

You have heard it before, count your blessings…live your life like it was the last day….sing out loud, let your hair down, run through the sprinkler, be the miracle, hug your neighbor, use the good china, do what scares you…why wait to live or love the moment at hand?!

photo: vintage sheet that grows roses in colors that I find soothing. I have wanted to make a dress out of it, today I will wear roses!


41 responses to “How are you and yours today?”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    Deck youself out in ROSES Corey. You deserve it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Britt-Arnhild

    Your father is paying forward to you the most important……prayers. Bless you all.

  3. herhimnbryn

    Goodness like your Pa’s goes from generation to generation. You see? It’s in the blood.
    Hope we get to see the dress!

  4. susan@artstream

    thank you for these words today corey, you know how much they mean!

  5. YIPPPEEE SKIPPPEEE!!!! I’m so glad to hear that your papa is doing good!& your sil too! Prayer and positivity go very far! I agree with the colors you choose! xoxo

  6. such good news.. so glad to hear it ..
    sending prayers and hugs your way !

  7. I’m so happy your family is healing!
    Go wear those roses ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. snowsparkle

    your father gave you the same marvelous gift mine gave me… faith. it is something that has carried me through incredibly difficult times. i’m not surprised by the miracles you describe in your life… because of your deep faith and love, i cannot imagine your world being anything less magical and radiant.

  9. I am so glad for these roses of healing in your life Corey : ) And I loved so much your “use the good china” post, have really been taking it to heart. Youre right. Why on earth wait to bring more beauty into our own lives and the lives of those we love? You have a very wise philosophy Corey : )
    This is a practical question, but your link to that “use the good china” post reminded me…Ive been meaning to ask how your monthly archives can be seen? I know I missed so much when before I hadnt known about your lovely blog, and I suspect not all of your past posts are seen just by perusing the sidebar catagories. Do you have monthly archives?

  10. I pray for your relatives that you mentioned and Amen to the above.
    Love you darling one
    Love and prayers for you and all of your family!

  11. happy to hear your father is well..
    I hope there are no shadows over those roses.. of your dress and your soul..enjoy..

  12. amen to that, grrrrllll…..

  13. I’m happy to read your good news…

  14. Corey,
    You are such an angel.

  15. Prayers for your father and sister in law and roses for you dear Corey.

  16. Glad to hear that your father and your sister-in-law are feeling better. Yes, wear roses! A beautiful dress for such a beautiful person. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. GLad to hear that your family is well. Love the fabric! It should make a gorgeous dress. Please post a pic when its done!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ Abbie

  18. positive begets positive, eh?

  19. wonderful post today…and a happy one that they are both feeling well. The fabric is so lovely, make that dress…and when you are done and wearing it proudly twirl a few times to celebrate the beauty of IT and YOU!!

  20. I needed to read this today. My faith is dented, my prayers feel unheard, I have been alone for so long, wanting the warm embrace of a love, and yet that which I want most is elusive. I know I will pull myself out of this state, I always do. xox

  21. oh yes! I’m so glad to hear the good news. Tell them we continue to pray with them. I love that your father was so bold with his doctor. They need to hear that.

  22. Love this post Corey. I just find so much comfort in it. Faith, strength, healing souls, and the reminder to live EVERY day. So glad to hear your family are doing well. And I LOVE your list of things to do…it’s giving me an idea of what my 2007 New Year’s Resolution list is going to look like!
    With Love,

  23. YES! YES! YES! Carpe Diem !!!

  24. cruststation

    Great words to live by, I’m glad your father and sister-in-law are doing well. To count blessings, live life with such strong faith is wonderful inspiration!

  25. So grateful that your dad and sister in law are healing!
    To rise up from the depths of dispair, and make it to the other side. To grow strong and deep, makes the rose smell so much sweeter.

  26. Paris Parfait

    I’m so happy to hear that your dad and sister-in-law are on the mend. You’re absolutely right about truly living in the moment and not saving our actions or using our best things for some unspecified future date. Recently I wrote a piece about porcelain and someone wrote and asked if I actually used the pieces in the photograph. My response was, “What’s the point of having them, if you don’t use them?” Yes, live your life every day – beautiful post, Corey. Much love to you and your family. xo

  27. Thank you for sharing the good news. This puts a smile on my face for you. I sense a peaceful confidence that things are as they should be.
    Blessings, Cat

  28. wonderful news about your sister in law corey. so happy that she is improving and that your father looks well and strong. miracles happen everyday. (((hugs))))

  29. i feel so comforted by your blog today. You have a beautiful way with words and it’s encouraging to see faith getting you and yours through the tough times. God Bless. Nel

  30. So good to hear the good news. Our prayers are being answered. Can’t wait to see you in the rose dress ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. I am glad that your loved ones are healing. If they are anything like you, as I am sure they must be, the universe will give them all that they need to become whole again. Your insight into love, life, happiness and beauty, inside and out, make you a treasure. I have missed reading your blog, I was too long absent. Thank you for sharing so much.

  32. Oh, this is good news. My heart is full for your family. And for you.

  33. Good news prayers answered praying a good thing.Live life
    you are so right.There is always a new dawn when challenged!

  34. Dear Corey,
    Thanks for making my day brighter with your good news.
    Sending you lots of hugs,

  35. Dear Corey,
    THis is a little odd but as i am gethering things for your package I keep picking red and roses!
    You must wear ROSES!
    God Bless Your Beautiful Father. Prayers for healing * strength for your dear Sister in law.

  36. happy to hear your father is doing better! Best wishes!

  37. la vie en rose

    thank you for always giving us such heartfelt words.

  38. Oh how I would love to wear a dress made from that sheet!
    Healing blessings to your family.

  39. Thanks for always reminding us Corey! xox
    P.S. I love your vintage rose sheet!

  40. I’m happy for the good news

  41. jenny vorwaller

    hello corey!! just checking in to say hello and hi! :)* and YES to many many roses! :)) and hugs, and happiness!

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