The Table set before Us


Are you comfortable with yourself…are you enjoying the feast?

Each day the door opens to who we are. Our hand leads the way, with a beating heart it greets us generously! A like mind speaks our language telling us many tales wrapped up in wisdom.

Surrounded by what we know to be true, we sit in the soul of the matter taking a taste. Light and darkness seem to intermingle; our eyes do adjust! Two feet begin a journey we have seen many times in our dreams, like a distant aroma it stirs our senses to a memory we know and long to follow.

This moment is a gift, even if I do not like the pattern on the dish, or the food being served, even if the candle isn’t lite or if the music is too loud. I believe there is a feast of holiness on the table set before us.

I plan on enjoying it, and you?

photo: table set, what will you bring to the feast?


34 responses to “The Table set before Us”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    I will bring my daughter and my mother playing some music for the feast…..

  2. ParisBreakfasts

    These two feet would like to meet a like mind…

  3. Just me!

  4. Britt-Arnhild

    One more comment from me – just went over to watch Matt Harding’s world dancing 🙂 How fun. I could have danced with him in Luang Prabang in Laos, in Venice, in London, and of course Kierag in Norway. And my husband and son can take part from Sydney and Brisbane. DH is on the plane to Brisbane/Gold Coast right now, will visit our son who studies there. He will have a transfer in Sydney in a few hours 🙂

  5. A smile 🙂
    I loved the Matt Harding dance video!

  6. Blessings to you and thanks for your postings each day.
    They bring so much love and inspiration to many!
    You are a light in all of our lives.
    God bless you and yours real good.
    Love you Sugar Plum!

  7. I will bring to the table a thankful heart.

  8. me … and I will bring dessert !!

  9. SO inspiring, Corey.
    Today, I resolve to make and eat something beautiful. And I will lift a glass to you, my friend.

  10. very inspiring as always! Thank you Corey!
    I will bring the people I have been so lucky to meet and love, the sunshine and a glass of water

  11. some fresh baked home made bread..
    and I will enjoy your company…. my turkish nickname.. is” the one who knows how to enjoy life.. ”ehlikeyif”

  12. snowsparkle

    i love this post… you lead such an elegantly styled and holy life filled with grace. i love the way you appreciate the moment. thanks for sharing the beauty of your table.

  13. I bring to the table love, laughter, friendship, and a nice slice of chocolate cake 🙂

  14. I really loved this Corey…”This moment is a gift, even if I do not like the pattern on the dish, or the food being served, even if the candle isn’t lite or if the music is too loud. I believe there is a feast of holiness on the table set before us.”
    And what a perfect thing to say today of all days…because tonight begins Rosh Hashana, and also the Autumn Equinox (Harvest). What a way to view our daily harvest, to cherish it as our “feast of holiness” : )

  15. Love this post!
    That Matt Hardig dancing is something else! Wow. I wonder if it’s photoshopped or if he really was in all those places dancing…

  16. Lisa(oceandreamer)

    maybe after the feast of friends and blessed moments we can all get up to dance, dance, dance in celebration together….I will bring to the table the first steps!
    thank you as ALWAYS for the moments I spend here….leaving with a smile and things to think about dear Corey!

  17. cruststation

    The table setting is gorgeous, I love the glasses and the feathers! I would love to join the feast though still trying hard to follow the aroma of a dream to follow. Love to join you at the table.

  18. thanks for reminding us to savor the ‘Feast”, also for the link to Mike Harding. Makes me smile!

  19. Veronica TM

    I am planning on enjoying the feast too. It is hard, sometimes, to really be and to really see and to stay here, in this moment…thank you for the reminder.

  20. Paris Parfait

    Lovely table setting – a feast for the eyes and the senses.

  21. I’d bring a bottle of champagen to put in those pretty glasses of yours.

  22. la vie en rose

    eat up!…and then ask for 2nds…

  23. herhimnbryn

    A little wine.
    Some cheese.
    Quince paste.
    Dark bitter chocolate ( with chilli).
    to listen.

  24. I’ll set the table if you will come and sit for awhile!

  25. Your soul is a gift to me in these words… I am imagining your beautiful face, and taking deep breaths.

  26. Ethereal beauty these words and picture.

  27. Each and every day of my life is a feast. I have been blessed with so much love that no glass could hold, no room contain, no words describe, no pen could write.
    We should also remember that the feast does not last forever so each “dish” must be savored and stored in our hearts.

  28. Corey, I read what you wrote about your father on his birthday. What a great tribute! I love him too!

  29. The table setting is gorgeous..the white feathers on white linen represents purity. I bring to the table setting a pure open heart one that does not judge on the basis of appearance achievements nor possesions but on pure heart.

  30. Thank you for reminding me…

  31. Kristen Robinson

    Corey I always draw such inspiration from your blog however this post could not have come at a better time for me! The door has recently opened to a whole new me.
    My Best-

  32. I’m brining George Clooney and while he’s busy distracting you with his bon mots and luscious, batting lashes I’ll be swiping the champagne flutes.
    Oh okay. I’ll behave. I’ll bring some lovely California wine and will be happy just to drink out of your glassware.

  33. He he I spot how you’ve layed the fork again 😉
    That champagne glass with the bird motif on is so beautiful and the soft feathers around the candle! Aw a dinner at yours would surely be something unforgetable because of all the love you spread around you!

  34. Just made your tomato soup for lunch, Corey. Served it in a beautiful bowl and treated myself to a glass of wine. What a luxury for a beautiful fall day.
    Thank you, thank you.

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