Rain is a rare occurrence in the south of France. Out of 365 days maybe it rains five days. I could be off by a day or two. Rain in the south of France is such a sobering surprise, that when it happens the entire population stops and searches for winter clothing! Finding nothing to wear, we stay inside with reassuring thoughts of how good rain is because everything is drier than it has been in years….
Sunglasses not needed.
During the last 36 hours it has down poured, buckets and buckets of water, drenched the brick-hard land of clay, glistening the limestone, and has everyone inside pondering Hawaii! Therefore can you imagine the sense of abandonment we are feeling? We are grieving our lost moments without our sunshine!
Rubber boots are not a fashion statement!
I am not complaining.
But when I went outside in the pouring rain to go do the grocery shopping, I noticed that someone had stolen my windshield wipers! Out of 364 days of sunshine…my car had the lucky number! Today might be a good day to start playing the lottery, you know there is a silver lining to everything!
photo: Lavender grows abundantly in the South of France, without the need of too much water. This is a small pillow made with a piece of 18th century toile de Jouey fabric, stuffed with lavender. Breathing in lavender has a calming effect, I wonder if the skies could take a whiff?
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