Singing in the Rain (…though I prefer the warm shower!)


Rain is a rare occurrence in the south of France. Out of 365 days maybe it rains five days. I could be off by a day or two. Rain in the south of France is such a sobering surprise, that when it happens the entire population stops and searches for winter clothing! Finding nothing to wear, we stay inside with reassuring thoughts of how good rain is because everything is drier than it has been in years….

Sunglasses not needed.

During the last 36 hours it has down poured, buckets and buckets of water, drenched the brick-hard land of clay, glistening the limestone, and has everyone inside pondering Hawaii! Therefore can you imagine the sense of abandonment we are feeling? We are grieving our lost moments without our sunshine!

Rubber boots are not a fashion statement!

I am not complaining.

But when I went outside in the pouring rain to go do the grocery shopping, I noticed that someone had stolen my windshield wipers! Out of 364 days of sunshine…my car had the lucky number! Today might be a good day to start playing the lottery, you know there is a silver lining to everything!

photo: Lavender grows abundantly in the South of France, without the need of too much water. This is a small pillow made with a piece of 18th century toile de Jouey fabric, stuffed with lavender. Breathing in lavender has a calming effect, I wonder if the skies could take a whiff?


33 responses to “Singing in the Rain (…though I prefer the warm shower!)”

  1. Beautiful as always.
    Here’s to the silver linings in life.
    Love you

  2. Someone stole your wipers!!
    Luck of the Irish poor thing 🙁
    Play the lottery for sure, if you’re that “lucky” to have your wipers stolen, hopefully the luck will switch around and be just as over the top!

  3. we have rain too.. it is rejuvenating.. for the soil..natue and us..

  4. susan@artstream

    a good rain is nice isn’t it? stolen wipers is a sign to buy that ticket. maybe with some numbers like 364!

  5. I love lavender stuffed pillows and sachets around the house and I especially LOVE the toile pattern! Rain well we all prefer the warm sunshine! Soon you’ll need webbed feet!We are experiencing grey skys and rain too.

  6. Run…run my friend to purchase that lottery ticket!
    Your posts are always my silver lining to each day.

  7. Britt-Arnhild

    The Provence Sun must have taken a detour up to Trøndelag in Norway. I am enjoying my garden and it’s autumn work today. ¨
    And I don’t!!!!! miss the rain 🙂

  8. I would think after all the HEAT you suffered through this summer in Northern California, a little rain would be nice! After all, you are sweet, but you are not made of sugar! LOL (As my grandpa always said. )

  9. stephanie s

    i love rain, if it sticks around for only a little bit, and there is sun thrown into the day too… i love the way it freshens everything. i think i would especially love it in the south of france.

  10. I can’t believe someone took the time to steal your wipers!
    Those French people are nuts! (of course, I’m only kidding)
    Here’s hoping for the sun to shine through for you, dearest Corey!

  11. Dear Corey,
    Tomorrow I leave to see my mom. She lives in a hitoric town in Texas where dramatic weather is a part of life. I love to be indoors creating or cooking when it rains. Sometimes we sit on the fromt porch when it’s really coming down, just to be part of it without getting wet. I freak out driving or riding in a car when it’s raining hard. Glad you’ve gotten your day overwith! Sorry about the wipers. I’m getting my mom a computer, so soon I be able to share your site with her!! Happy about that!

  12. We get rain 364 days and sunshine only 1….
    My pink rainboots with flowers are a sure fashion statement around here.

  13. cruststation

    Unfortunately, it always rains over here though for some reason this September has been warm and relatively sunny. I hope the plants will enjoy a little bit of rain over there.

  14. I love the rain. I walk in it whenever I can.

  15. We had rain today too. It was lovely waking up to the sound of it on our tin roof. I felt enclosed, safe and secure with that curtain of soft water around us. No need to go out and do anything as it was a public holiday today, so I just snuggled down under the covers and listened to it.

  16. snowsparkle

    i can smell the scents of rain and lavendar in your writing… the flowers shaped a bit like softly hued lavendar drops of rain. wish i was there to have a cafe au lait and a pastry with you!
    we’re having indian summer here with faint wafting scents of fall in the background. this time of year is intoxicating to me… i almost always fall in love again in this season.

  17. Someone stole your window wipers? Oh no! How strange is THAT? Didn’t his car come with its own window wipers? I’m imagining your thief running down the street, combating the rain with your window wipers, karate-style! I like how you see the silver lining in everything, Corey!

  18. It never rains but it pours. The great thing about southern france is that the weather is always BIG.

  19. It never rains but it pours. The great thing about southern france is that the weather is always BIG.

  20. Brother Mathew

    I was away for the weekend. Where are the pictures of Sacha’s battle wounds already?

  21. I can’t imagine someone stealing wind shield wipers! They must be really wierd.

  22. Alright woman. 5 days a year. Suck it up. hehe

  23. How funny. I went on my first date with my Italian ex-husband at the I-Beam. That was a fun place, or maybe it was just a fun time 🙂

  24. I have a friend who came out of the house and all four tires were gone from her car. Now that would be tough. I love it when it rains, which it did for two days running here, but I hate the mistral winds. I’m one of those people that wind really gets to.

  25. I often wonder how the plants can survive such a dryness! But well southern plants can! While it was raining almost the whole month of Augut here, it has rarely rained in September so far and I have to water a lot, my garden needs some rain every now and then.
    Well Corey dear I think a few days of rain will do you no harm 😉
    P.S.: How rude to steal your wipers!

  26. ParisBreakfasts

    Blue Bleu Blau…
    so much better than
    Grey Gray Gris Grau
    Especially one Blue Bowl…

  27. Paris Parfait

    I love the rain – constant sunshine w/o interruption gives me a headache. I prefer a variety of weather, which is why travel is good. So sorry about your windshield wipers – but at least it wasn’t your car!

  28. berriesplace

    ahhh what would life be like without a day long rain:O) it is those days that I do my most and best ‘personal reflecting’ not to mention the cozy feeeling I feel within my home. I Love rain! xoxo

  29. berriesplace

    & how ironic to have your wipers stolen on the very day you neeed them most! so sorry 🙂

  30. Ahhhhh…rain. Did you put buckets out and such to capture that heaven sent essence for your hair and plants indoors? Sorry about your wipers, the rains must have really freaked someone out to steal yours!

  31. I love when it rains and I can just see it through the window and open it to smell the water filled air. But I also like the sun so much needed for lavender to capture their calming scent.

  32. I’m the gal from the US that e-mailed you a couple of times regarding flea markets and visiting southern France. Well we did!!!
    We had a memorable time in France. 15 days of new and exciting adventure. I just read your post about the rain! We were in Chateauneuf-du-Pape at Hostellerie Du Chateau Des Fines Roches on Wednesday, September 13, when the biggest lightening and thunder storm I have ever been in took place! We were up all night looking and listening to the wind, rain, thunder, AND LIGHTENING!!! WOW!! We had to be at the train station by 0700, so I had to drive during the later part of the storm. The roads were partially flooded; we only took a wrong turn once!
    The stay at the castle was wonderful; the food was different for us but great. We also toured Avignon one day and Chateauneuf-Du-Pape another; we just had a great time. So beautiful there.
    Just wanted to let you know we enjoyed our visit to France.
    Au revoir,

  33. Ah yes, lavender, I was beginning to wonder what, if any, plant life usually grows in the South of France. I’m off to Google your landscape now.

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