Where do you aim your heart


at the bull’s eye? In the center of the matter? Or possibly… far away in case you miss; nothing will be injured? Do you take a chance on love, do you give it open handedly, is love a game, has it played its best hand in you? When you grab your arrows, your words, your actions, do you strive to strike the cord that will give way to music? What arrows do you aim at your heart?

Aiming love is the only arrow I want to have in my hand

thankfully I have many lessons to help my aim.

I need to practice daily.

photo: At the train station in Marseille sit these (the one above is one of many,) large bronze statues, watching passengers come and go, I wonder how many hearts they have struck, how many miles their aims have journeyed? Do you know that somewhere someone is smiling at you? The arrow has been released!


25 responses to “Where do you aim your heart”

  1. snowsparkle

    aiming love open handedly… a gentle art you have become an expert in… thank you for this thought to start my day. it will be fun sending arrows on their way. 🙂

  2. I think the lessons of love are ones we would rather not learn essential as they are.

  3. In matters of the heart I am very tender always.
    I am a very very sensitive soul I try and protect my heart.
    I carry your heart with me(I carry it in
    my heart)I am never without it(anywhere
    I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing,my darling)
    I fear
    no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet) I want
    no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
    and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
    and whatever a sun will always sing is you.
    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
    higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
    I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)
    I love this verse.
    Always have
    Love you

  4. ParisBreakfasts

    So many questions?
    Which do I answer 1st?
    Going to get a hot chocolate and think about it 🙂

  5. Purpose.
    Your aim is true, dearest Corey…

  6. Paris Parfait

    Lessons of love are constantly being re-invented and re-learned, aren’t they? Lovely statue!

  7. An arrow from France, what more could one desire???

  8. Love, is a many splendored thing I would think. It is rife with joy, pain, and hope and most everything in between. I am aiming for the bullseye once more. Perhaps my aim will be better than it has been in the past. Fun to contemplate nevertheless. Cheers.

  9. You and I are more alike than I thought. Of course, I am not the best of photographers and you are not the best of knitters…but we are both deep thinkers! 🙂 You are truly a very inspiring person.

  10. Britt-Arnhild

    I have made a very important descision in my life this week, and it was of good help to know where I aimed my heart.
    Thanks for another lovely post and wise words Corey.

  11. I want arrows of happiness to pierce my heart.

  12. I was raised amidst certain indigenous beliefs, including the maxim that the wise person always shoots their arrows towards the sun.
    Throughout my life, I’ve kept that in mind with heart matters as well as everything else …

  13. Oh if only each day were to start with arrows of love instead of the hate and bitterness we see all around us. It seems essential to me that we each ‘aim’ for this everyday. Thank you once again for your words from the heart.

  14. I was looking up the meaning of lines on the palm of the hand for palm reading.
    Apparently, the line corresponding with love shows that I give my heart away too easily.
    My palm is right.

  15. cruststation

    Freely you have received, freely give (not self-seeking always trust), to have and to hold…Arrows hurt but without regrets.

  16. Hi Corey..Oh how I love your way with words. This post, previous posts. I am always caught off guard and HAVE to give myself a moment, sigh, and enjoy my day just a little bit more. 🙂 Thank you.

  17. expatraveler

    oh corey, the words are always so beautiful.. Yes practice keeps one going. 🙂 I certainly need to keep up with everything… Although I havent had much time for blogging lately.. 🙂

  18. la vie en rose

    i just saw a beautiful pic of you over at snowsparkle’s blog…

  19. herhimnbryn

    B ecause he understands.
    E nvelopes me with his hug.
    A lways is himself.
    R eally surprises me.

  20. Corey, this is beautifully thought-provoking. Thanks!

  21. Oh, yes, it has “played its best hand to me”… and I picked it up with open arms.
    take care, g

  22. If you need to practice, then I don’t feel so bad. 😉

  23. I like the idea that bronze statues silenty struck passangers hearts

  24. This post made me cry…

  25. “The arrow has been released!” … what hope-provoking words, though I suppose they could be read as just the opposite.

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