The gift of everyday life


Simple moments,

that come without expectation,

a few words that paint your heart a deeper color red.

Something noticed not overlooked,

a smile from a stranger,

words of admiration from children,

the train that sings you to sleep.

Gifts with unmeasured meaning,

as simple as a bow.

photo: my niece with a green ribbon that her mother tied in her hair.


32 responses to “The gift of everyday life”

  1. yes but as we are always planning the next move..activity..or work.. we don’t let ourselves to have time to admire and enjoy these gifts..
    I like the photo..
    and these couscous restaurants were in St Michel non??
    I was in Paris for a medical congress just after the earthquake in 99.. and we went for a dinner one night at one of these.. this is not turkish so a different taste that we don’t have in here..we all were a bit depressed.. and we were talking with friends in turkish but not the usual happy chatting we do.. and they asked which language was that.. we answered turkish.. they said acceptez s’il vous-plait nos condoleances.. I’ll never forget the look of empathy in the eyes of that man.. I felt so awkward because he was so soft.. this was a gift as well no??

  2. Yes life is not made up of the number of breathes you take but the moments that take your breathe away.
    The sweet simple things of life………..
    Moments precious moments.
    Love you

  3. Lovely picture. I do think that you can tell a lot about a person in how they hug a stranger. *Bear Hugs* 😀

  4. Words that paint my of unmeasured meaning..simple words..I don’t take for granted accepting my mother has Alzheimers.This was a lovely image to wake up to!

  5. susan@artstream

    yes, it i believe in the everyday kind of wonder too! beautiful post.
    beautiful little girl!

  6. berrieshead

    ahh yes stated so is those leetle things that make us feel the best* the saying is so true *good things come in small packages* ahh the smile from a stranger always does wonders for me* and I love to be the stranger;o)beaUtiful Bow* ahhh I have not seen that look on a girl for too long..wish we all could wear a pretty bow in our hair* it sure would have me smiling more:o)

  7. beautiful words and beautiful picture

  8. Oh Corey,
    that little film made me misty, and I too have linked to it.
    I don’t know what I would do without your inspiration every day.
    thank you.

  9. snowsparkle

    oh corey, i have a lump in my throat from this post, the “free hugs” link and that astoundinly beautiful bow in your neice’s hair. it made me remember how i loved the way my mother used to tie ribbons in my hair and on her christmas packages. from her i learned to tie ribbons with love….they always seem to look more beautiful that way.

  10. cruststation

    What a beautiful picture, a gift-wrapped little girl.

  11. I imagine what life would be like without everyday gifts, and it allows me to see so clearly the gifts I have.
    The next step is to appreciate those gifts so that I do not become spoiled and take them for granted.

  12. That just made me cry really hard. Why shouldn’t hugs always be free?

  13. I just love giving ‘free hugs’ even when they are across the cyber waves…
    Sorry I missed you yesterday… was at my mums, can’t wait to see/hear ALL the details, I am sooooooooooooo excited for you!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! Can you hear me yelling????

  14. Oh My! I so love little girls with bows in their hair.
    How lovely were the times when I could do that, with first Granddaughter. Long gone times, but lovely memories.
    I appplaud your neice’s Mother!

  15. wow, what beautiful long hair!!!!

  16. There is nothing sweeter than a little girl with a bow in her hair.

  17. Britt-Arnhild

    The gift of everyday life… master the art of living to perfection…..and you pay it forward. God bless you.

  18. That’s a perfect bow. And look at that beautiful green…

  19. Lisa(oceandreamer)

    oh Corey, as I sat watching that video just now the tears are streaming down my face. I found myself so emotional because if only more people did THAT instead of throwing insults, flipping people off, scowling or simply ignoring…joy could be spread! I’d have hugged him in a heart beat and to see all types, genders, young and old join in gleefully…well thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting my day in this way! I am holding up the sign to YOU…can you feel it?

  20. parisbreakfasts

    Rapunzel let down your long green ribbons…

  21. la vie en rose

    the stickers your son wants to share with you
    the ‘thank you’ you weren’t expecting
    a good night’s sleep
    peanut butter on apples
    a compliment that brightened your day

  22. I love your words

  23. Brother Mathew

    My darling sweet!

  24. a few words that paint your heart a deeper color red–
    How beautiful, Corey! I am writing this down.

  25. There is such beauty in noticing the simple things in life. i feel this way daily…when I see a leaf blow in the wind or the way my daughter smiles at me…there is such potential for our world… my heart overflows with gratitude and responsibility to help create a world of unbounded love…

  26. There’s not enough love in this world, Corey. Thank you for helping to spread more.

  27. “All you need is love” and all one needs from time to time is a hug! Love the post Corey!
    I’m playing with my computer programs and trying different things.

  28. I miss so many gifts, blinded by myself… thank you for opening my eyes again to the simple things.


    This video made me smile. What a sweet, tender thing.

  30. herhimnbryn

    Perfect C.
    Sitting in the garden with my laptop. Under an umbrella, the sun on my toes.
    I link to the ‘free hugs’ and the world around me disappears………….

  31. shelley Noble

    Corey, your posts are fine poetry. The train singing you to sleep? That’s the way to express that sound!! I could never have captured these thoughts as you have!

  32. I love the green ribbon..beautiful
    Ouissi x

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