Mon Trésor

This is the Frenchman who does extreme sports.

-who can hang from a rope in a dark cave for hours on end.

Yesterday he attempted to follow Sacha on his BMX, to ride over three bumps on his back tire only, after jumping from an hill.

He fell.


Bruises instantly appeared shockingly close to the family jewels.

This morning…walking stiffly, looking at me seriously, he shook his head.

I’ll stick to safe sports.

photo: Hey honey…I would rather you go caving in dark places.


45 responses to “Mon Trésor”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    IMO…I think cette mec should stay put – just where he is. Forget the ropes too. Very cute!

  2. snowsparkle

    oooo OUCH! i love the brevity of this piece… the way you write made the exchanged morning glance become a vivid movie in my head.

  3. Mon amie, this is very serious!
    And now that you have shown such a handsome photo, you may have to hide him in a cave 🙂

  4. berriesplace

    bwahahahaha! Family Jewels? Bwahahahaaha! I love how possible damage to THAT is usually all it takes for a guy to make a decision! Umm does yann have a brother? hahahahahaha j/k J/K!

  5. I will send you some of my anti-evil eyes amulets..
    to protect him from other sport injuries.. and from the jealous eyes of the virtual neighbours..
    yes I read the comments too.. and I agree.. with Meredith.. he should be hidden in a cave.. and locked.. if he doesn’t wera these amulets ..LOL..

  6. Healing hugs…………
    He is a brave man and very handsome too.
    You are a lucky lady and he too is so very blessed.
    A happy family is but an earlier Heaven!
    Blessings to you all.
    Love Jeanne

  7. Britt-Arnhild

    oh that poor man,lol, trying to be brave like his son! Family jewels!!!!!:-) You never stop to make my day Carol. Give the “poor” man a healing hug from Norway.

  8. What an attractive man!!The chisled jaw OMG! But I’m sure you hear that a lot!

  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s so hard to be sympathetic, but no man deserves to have his fj’s messed with!

  10. Was I prophetic when I wrote “men are nuts” the other day?

  11. Great shot! And yes I agree with Meredith… “Hide him in a cave”…hahaha

  12. look, I’m sorry about his, um, bruises…
    but that fellow is so handsome that I would not be able to resist jumping on him.

  13. Oh my….poor him and poor YOU. I have to agree with the other ladies. I harbor a bit of a man crush on your handsome hubby. Perhaps you need to make him wear a cup as well as a helmet? LOL, take care and rapid recovery to Yann.

  14. not the family jewels!!!!
    mon dieu!!!
    it’s hard getting old.

  15. awww Hope he feels better soon.

  16. Paris Parfait

    That´s a great photo of your handsome husband! And a very tongue-in-cheek post! Hope he´s feeling better.

  17. Ooh-la-la! I’m sure you would prefer that!
    He sure is a handsome thing, you lucky girl!

  18. LOL! Poor Yann! However, one look at your husband (he IS a pretty one) and one read through your comments, Yann should start his own website! He could call it Yann the Sexy French Man!

  19. Francabollo

    After reading your post I appreciate the point of view of the photo. It’s too late now but a bag of frozen peas applied immediately would have helped lessen the bruising. And that’s photo I really want to see. Tant pis pour Yann.

  20. Lorene Silva

    I cracked up when I read this. I hope that Yann is doing better today. Take Care.

  21. stephanie s

    one of your best corey, one of your best…

  22. I’ve missed your posts while I’ve been away. And what a nice post to come back to…yummy photo.
    Sending healing thoughts across the pond to Yann and keeping your West Coast family close in thought as well.

  23. PHFT! Corey! Was that a naughty little last line? LOL! Go, you!

  24. oo-la-la, Corey. You naughty girl.

  25. shelley Noble

    Women who are blessed to have hubba hubba hubbies are correct to show them off! Such beauty is too selfish for one woman to keep all to herself!

  26. Lisa(oceandreamer)

    ah, close call, that one. but aside from injury can I just say OOOOH LALA!!!! (hold on, I need to put my eyes back in my head). That husband of yours should be on on a billboard. heehee

  27. I would think a man as gorgeous as that would have enough of an extreme sport just in fighting off women all the time! Maybe he could make a career out of just lounging around like that and charging a few bucks to long lines of people who just want to stare at him in awe. 😉

  28. la vie en rose


  29. ParisBreakfasts

    I’m glad you went back to big blowups on this one :))
    Loverly…nice screensaver this one!

  30. Pauvre chou!!!!!!

  31. After reading through all the comments I don’t think I’ve been left much to say, lol! Very cute and very sorry for himself i’m sure. Nel

  32. Crazy! My Dad seems to always try to outdo my brother too. When my Dad was younger he got a disc slipped in his back from trying to lift more than a guy a whole foot taller. (That’s cause my Mom was around and he was showing off.)

  33. herhimnbryn

    At least he knows his limits!

  34. Poor Frenchmen
    his jewels look a bit swollen.

  35. I hope he reads your comments here… and doesn’t mind the fan club!!! haha – my husband would kill me if I put a photo of him on the blog!

  36. Oh, Corey. You put so much into this little bit. What a shot you take.

  37. herhimnbryn

    I’ve just re read that last line…………….”Corey”, Said with a quizzically raised eyebrow!!

  38. cruststation

    Your husband is getting quite a fan-club here, hope he isn’t too traumatised by the experience. 😀 you are so funny.

  39. susan@artstream

    what a cutie patootie.thanks for sharing him with us!!!

  40. Karla Neese

    I can see why you followed him to France!

  41. WOWZER!!!!!! He “rocks”!

  42. A handsome man who obviously makes his wife and family very happy. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Cousin Linda

    …. I kept trying to figure out a comment to add to all the female reactions to Yann’s physical beauty. In my opinion, Yann is completely “unaffected” by his affect on women. To me, there is a certain pure innocence about him and how he conducts himself in life that does not translate into words.
    “A man deeper than his skin” is certainly the phrase to sum up the true beauty of such a man.
    Your cousin, Linda

  44. paula luckhurst

    Is this your man ? I think mine is quite nice but yours is too !

  45. The last line is my favourite… you naughty girl! It’s got me thinking about my own chiseled jawed, dark curly haired specimen. He’ll be home any minute… OO LA LA! LOL
    I hope he’s feeling better!

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