Une Amie pour tous les Jours


They had nothing to say to each other, yet they chatted endlessly.

They wore the same hair-do,

-shopped at the same shops,

-shared advice on how to get their men to open-up,

-interrupted each other with snippets of gossip, about the lady at their children’s school, who wore her blouse one button two many undone!

-They wondered if the weather would raise havoc with their petunias…their words never went deeper than that…

Bonjour Madame! Ca va?

Oui, Bonjour Madame! Tout va très bien, merci! Et vous?

It doesn’t have to be deep to be real…

photo: 19th century vintage French wallpaper hanging out alongside of me.


35 responses to “Une Amie pour tous les Jours”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    My conversations lead me to the telephone..Hey talking about nothing can be fun for some
    Bonjour Madame!

  2. blackbird

    – it does and it doesn’t.

  3. Interesting question for so early in the morning. Keeps things safe I guess.

  4. But isn’t it better when it is deep? One of the sadnesses of modern life is that so much is superficial and our souls are so rarely revealed to each other.

  5. This is the perfect post to start my day πŸ™‚
    Sitting here reading your fun post, and sipping a good cup of coffee. All I need is my good friend to chat me up across the table πŸ™‚
    Soon enough πŸ™‚

  6. wishes heros

    It can be just the pleasure of being with someone you love!

  7. Sometimes its better to keep a distance (not so deep) other times we want to see through the person and know everything. Life is full of dichotomies…

  8. teresa atkinson

    Corey – i meet so many people in my work. and sometimes the conversation is only about the necessary things. Every now and then your soul dances and you “know” the superficial will slowly dissolve and the real friendship will begin.
    Thank you for a beautiful post. Again

  9. susan@artstream

    ah the french version of “how ya doin’” sigh, this one always perplexes me. and i think i spelled that wrong.

  10. You have such an imagination! I love this post πŸ™‚

  11. Annabelle

    It all depends!
    xo Annabelle

  12. Fun! Funny, sometimes we describe the intimacy of our friendships by how deep our conversations can be and at other times by how we can so happily talk of nothing.
    We are relative people, aren’t we? πŸ™‚

  13. No, it doesn’t have to be deep to be real. Sometimes just a ‘Good Morning’ as you pass a stranger on the street is enough to bring a smile to someone’s face.I find most North Americans so staid, whereas in Europe a greeting on the street is common courtesy.

  14. I love this imaginary journey into what might have been and bet it’s very much like someone’s used-to-be.

  15. corey,
    I love your imagination!

  16. How true. I meet a friend this morning for coffee and we share alot about life, children, sewing, friends, sports and silipada. How wonderful it is to be alive.

  17. Is is narcissistic (it took me three times to type that correctly!) to admire someone with such an imagination when it is a trait you like in yourself? I love the things you see in all that surrounds you–and I love that you share it with us.
    Wishing you happy weekend adventures πŸ™‚

  18. It is just connection. Easy and lite connection can be lovely!

  19. constance

    You have a wonderfully creative way of looking things. Even wallpaper! The little ladies with the “Do’s” tell us: Acquaintances are important too.

  20. cruststation

    You have wonderful taste in decor madame! That wallpaper is full of life, they are rarely featured with kids yet the daily surroundings and your imagination is endearing ‘how to get their men to open-up’ indeed!

  21. snowsparkle

    i love the word “petunia” … it conjures up an image of pungent, floppy, velvety petals and warm earth. this is such a delightful interlude you share with us here.
    hmmm…. and that interesting woman with the buttons… i think i’d like her. πŸ˜‰

  22. snowsparkle

    i love the word “petunia” … it conjures up an image of pungent, floppy, velvety petals and warm earth. this is such a delightful interlude you share with us here.
    hmmm…. and that interesting woman with the buttons… i think i’d like her. πŸ˜‰

  23. My husband always wonders what I spend so long talking about with my women friends. Really, it is nothing and, yet, it is everything–what makes women women.

  24. la vie en rose

    i love how they’re able to tune out the little boy…true mommies…

  25. not for me.. I have to open up my soul.. if no.. no relation..

  26. very important! to talk to others, even having nothing to say….it is like saying: I am interested in you!

  27. ally bean

    “It doesn’t have to be deep to be real…”
    Good thought. So true and so easily forgotten.

  28. ‘Twas ever thus!

  29. Nancy, aka Bookfool

    I love that: “It doesn’t have to be deep to be real.” So true. And, you bring to mind the fact that people are still much the same, regardless of the time period. Lovely. πŸ™‚

  30. herhimnbryn

    Walking the hound, herhimnbryn meets many others enjoying the walk with their hounds.
    “G’day, enough rain for you?”
    “What a handsome dog”.
    ” Isn’t this rain great?”
    ” You’re up and about early”.
    ” Hallo, how are you?”
    If I don’t see one or two of them, I miss them.

  31. Ah. Plus Γ§a change, plus c’est la mΓͺme chose.
    There’s something comforting about that.

  32. it’s all about making a connection, however, slight…
    hi corey, sorry i haven’t been stopping by regularly…life has been hectic in my corner of the world…but i didn’t want another day go by without saying “hello” & let you know that i’m thinking of you here in cheeseland!
    your absentee-friend,
    mary ann xo

  33. Ah, Corey, it is an art, this conversation of life. It is a ritual of sorts. I have a small cafe’ and each day my neighbors pop in the door to check the smells of breads and pastries and fresh ground coffee drinks. Cafe au lait, all be it American style I’m sure, and a pastry, bites of food with bites of conversation and life. It needn’t be a meal we share, sometimes a bite of life is enough to enliven our day.

  34. sometimes the simplest of words said with an honest smile can lighten the heart. thank you…Nel

  35. So sweet.
    Love is all you need.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

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