Mademoiselle Auguste Chier’s Trousseau

Madame Chier sat side by side her daughter as she dipped her fountain pen lightly into the inkwell…

The composed list started with Auguste’s bed sheets. Madame gave the last letter an extra long swirl, "…An elegant way to make the bed…" she thought smiling to herself.

                                                                                                                                                     "Maman, maybe it would be prudent to commence with my blouses rather than the bed linens?"

Madame Chier took no notice of her daughter’s blushed cheeks and continued to write;

6 Towels.

6 Wash clothes.

9 White shirts and 3 colored.

2 Nightshirts…and again giving the last letter a sensuous swirl!

"Maman, you have purposefully given special treatment to two of my most personal items, please can you tally my trousseau without drawing attention!"

Madame Chier re-dipped her pen while casting a playful glance at her daughter, she noted;

10 handkerchiefs.

9 pair of stockings, 5 in wool and 4 in cotton.

1 Robe.

4 Blouses.

1 Box spring for the Bed.

MAMAN!! What have you in your head? Look how you wrote BED!!! My future Mother-in-law will certainly think you ill-mannered!

Without a doubt of that she went on penning the list,

3 pantaloons for everyday.

1 nice outfit.

2 Underwear.

Mademoiselle knew this was coming though she squirmed in her chair nevertheless, and bite down on her lip for safe measure.

1 Hat

1 Wool beret

Dear reader, if you had any doubt that Madame Chier was a rebel in her time, you will note that in the exact middle of her daughter’s trousseau she wrote:

1 iron bed with a winter mattress in wool and a summer mattress in horse hair.

The clever playfulness of such a wise Mother! Madame Chier knew how to ruffle the petticoats of the Victorians…her duty wasn’t seen as drudgery, with such a delightful dish of humor! Surely, her daughter fainted on the spot. The list continues, faithfully adding each and every item of her daughter’s gathered belongings.

At last the signature of approval was dated the 1st of October 1890.

Photo: 19th century French list, photo and lace.

ps: reposted this post, that is why some of the comments have older dates.


51 responses to “Mademoiselle Auguste Chier’s Trousseau”

  1. Why does every generation think that they are the first to me risque, mischievous or cheeky?

  2. Oh wow, wow, wow! Corey your eye for all that is elegant,delicious and homely never fails to thrill me. Thank you for this…

  3. Reading your beautiful words always makes my day.
    You are a bright beautiful lady I am so proud to have in my life!
    Love Jeanne

  4. Oh! she was one hot maman!
    lovely penmenship as well I might add…

  5. too funny!!! very much reminds me of wilde! lol… i love it, it’s beautiful, but bold.

  6. Delicious!
    And the old lace on the righthand side is exquisite.

  7. Shannon Lewis

    My favorite kind of girl is the one who adds mischief with an eye wink to her life.
    I don’t know what I’d do each morning if you didn’t post something. This is my bright spot each day.

  8. Oh how I long for the days when handwriting was gorgeous and didn’t look like chicken scratch. What a lovely post.

  9. jenny vorwaller

    oh COREY. this paper makes me SWOOon! i have a set of papers that look very similiar, but its random poetry, and its so fragile and brittle, i just love the penmanship, its gorgeous….possibly one of the best tongue in cheek antique ive adored on here so far! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I’m so impressed! To come up with your wonderful background story to this simple beautiful list – well done. I always enjoy my visits here.

  11. Oh that was so delightful to read! I couldn’t wait to get to the next line. Who knew a list of belongings could be so much fun!
    Cory you are brilliant!

  12. expatraveler

    Wow – it’s such an interesting piece to look at and so beautiful.

  13. Michelle Caplan

    Hold on a sec . . . I have to wipe the drool off of my keyboard!!! Papers like these are like like heroine to me!! What a magnificent find! Truley a treasure.
    Can we glue it down now???? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. I wonder if a gentleman read between the lines and swirls? In a time when subtle gestures ment so much, I can imagine that the swirl of the pen also implied much… Lovely, we should be so lucky to have such a beautiful accounting.

  15. la vie en rose

    oh i can just see it now!! and i’m grateful that kind of rebellous humor lives on…

  16. snowsparkle

    your ability to percieve and interpret the subtleties of this list is remarkable… beautiful photo! despite being impressed with this delicate dance of the correspondence, it reminded me of society’s imposed restraints on women throughout history and made me cringe.

  17. lauren Mumford

    Oh, you are so wicked! Corey you’re killin’ me here!! You’re planning your days around tempting me in some fashion or other aren’t you!! You better bring bagfuls of documents like this when you come, otherwise Ulla and I will have to punish you.

  18. Oh, Corey… Lauren is right… you are so terrible teasing us with these wonders!Now I’ll spend the entire day coming back to this page! And your writing is just as artful as that incredible list!!!

  19. Josephine

    I’m inlove…
    …if only we could marry the dead!
    What a woman, and what playfulness. That handwriting is gorgeous…

  20. robinfox

    kudos corey, i loved it,i always find some wonderful insight to a precious moment in someone’s life when you write, thanks again robin

  21. What a delightful post! You have a gorgeous blog here – it’s a visual and verbal expedition! I want to thank you so much for the many comments you’ve recently left on my blog – and apologize for not stopping by to respond sooner. I did come by for a peek, but didn’t have time to poke around and leave a note. Now that I’ve lingered a bit, I’ll surely be back…this place is a treat! – carla

  22. Mary Jane Rossi

    Madame Chier, you surprise us all….things do not change. Touching post…

  23. Beautiful story… I loved it !

  24. so beautiful!!
    i can imagine her winking as she whisks her pen away with all the swirlies (especially on t’s off the lit)!

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    My daughter told me that the word Chier is a, “very bad word in French!” When I pressed to know which “very bad word,” my daughter looked at me and said, “I don’t know the translation, but it is bad!”
    One can only guess why Madame Chier had a wink in her eye and Mademoiselle Auguste Chier was blushing!!!
    Chier in French is equivlant to saying, “the F word.”
    Poor poor Mademoiselle Ausguste, I imagine she was tickled pink to change her name…her Mother had learned how to have fun with it!

  26. jinxthegypsy

    What a delightful woman! Wish I could meet her ๐Ÿ˜‰

  27. misschrisc

    How beautiful & fun. I’d love to be able to scroll over each line and see a picture of each of Auguste’s things. That would be treat!

  28. I wish I’d had such a baeutiful handwritung!
    Lovely old piece and lovely photo with the lace Corey!

  29. lol yeah I know what “chier” means in french, well let’s just say I wouldn’t want to have her name!

  30. ParisBreakfasts

    Ooooooooooooooooooooo I LOVE when the French do “Anglais” calligraphy! or Copperplate. YUM!

  31. Oh what a divine treasure.
    Thanks for sharing your slice of happy with us each day.
    I love it!
    Love you Sugar Plum!

  32. Annabelle

    Madame Cheir and Corey,
    Beautiful post. Lovely writing especially viewed among the old lace.
    Annabelle xo

  33. I’m hoping that my lists will not be viewed by anyone in 100 years time – they aren’t as beautifully written or worthy of any analysis!!! We have all lost so much of the art of handwriting.

  34. Even for an old post, I’ll write something new:
    Madame Chier is still someone I admire!

  35. I think she’s gorgeous and so cheeky. Love it!!

  36. naturegirl

    Ms. Corey your playfullness in
    posting Madame Cheirs list on delicate pure white gorgeous white lace amuses and delights us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Most entertaining. Every age has their rebels!!

  38. I quite simply adore this post! I can almost see the two of them, her smiling while she writes this list with her daughter blushing beside her. Thank you!

  39. I love the way you’ve seen the hidden smiles and teasing in the seemingly mundane list, truly reading between the lines and creating a human story.

  40. Look at that penmanship! So elegant…

  41. How scandalous! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    The way you tell it, you could certainly expand it into a screenplay and make the BIG bucks. Let’s see…who would play the mother and who would play the daughter?

  42. You are a wonder. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Coquine??

  44. oh! to have handwriting like that! WONDERFUL!

  45. herhimnbryn

    Oh la la !
    Always read between the lines. The real thoughts are always there!

  46. Thank you for sharin this. I just loved every minute of it. I would love to be able to have penmanship like that. Most precious!

  47. Ah, Corey, you have such an amazing way with words, and even better is your imagination!
    What an unusual handwriting analysis! In teasing out this mother-daughter exchange from a simple hand written list — you bring the everyday past alive.
    I’m so glad you re-posted this one because I missed it the first time around. (saw it on Notebookism today) I always love your posts, yet don’t read them every day. Here’s to reposting! ๐Ÿ˜€

  48. after all that I forgot to tell you, Corey — the photo is lovely, the list perfectly framed by lace, the stains on old paper. You are stylin!

  49. I bet it wouldn’t be as nice as it is.. without your imagination – tickling notices..=))
    I love it..

  50. uber sensual and winky:)

  51. jeannette

    can you really dip a fountain pen into an ink pot? i thought the fountain was supposed to replace the inkpot.

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